The Ministry of Health is phasing out some drugs containing valsartan to treat high blood pressure


10 07 2018

· Order of emergency withdrawal based on the EMA report

· We recommend alternative medicine articles to protect patients from complications

· We confirm the safety and quality of Diovan to treat hypertension

WATER – The Ministry of Health and Community Protection has issued a circular on the preventive withdrawal of certain products containing the active ingredient Valsartan manufactured by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Company due to the contamination of the active substance. Both drugs were released on the basis of a report from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) Contamination of the active ingredient Valsartan in the Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Factory in China confirms carcinogens N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). This active substance is used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases due to high blood pressure.

Circular issued to medical district directors, public and private hospital directors, physicians, pharmacists and assistant pharmacists, directors of government and private pharmacies, issued after review of Ministerial Decision No. 366 of 2010 regarding the announcement of the withdrawal, and on the basis of the public interest. Declarations

The circular included a list of the medicines concerned, noting that the listed products are registered with the Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection and asking the agent to withdraw the products mentioned from the public and private sectors of the country. the health, . All health professionals should not describe and dispense with the above mentioned products, if any, and use the registered alternatives. Patients should not interrupt the use of the drug unless consulting a doctor to get rid of other alternatives registered with the department.





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Safety of Diovan Based on Novartis Contact with Manufacturer

The Ministry has confirmed that all drugs containing Valsartan, which are made with the same material from other sources, are intact. and not affected. He pointed to the receipt of an official letter from Novartis, which developed the drug, stating that its products containing Valsartan, specifically Diovan, Co-Diovan Entresto and Exforge, were not affected by the process of withdrawal because they do not use the active ingredient from an external supplier. The use of a different source of the active substance was manufactured at Novartis in Ireland and Switzerland. He said that Diovan is used to treat high blood pressure, which in turn causes cardiovascular disease, and that all existing diuretics are in the state and in the world.

Stopping disinformation treatment causes serious complications in patients

Circulation of rumors without obtaining official information has serious repercussions on society, causing patient uncertainty and fear of their safety, preventing them from taking medication or changing doses of drugs without consulting practitioners, reducing the patient's confidence Yeh used, and a negative effect on the credibility of health programs and drugs used in the UAE United Arab Emirates.

has drawn to its regular review random samples of drugs in the laboratory of quality control and complex research in Dubai technology and medical research. This explanation was due to poor information on the withdrawal of Diovan, via social media at the Gulf level, causing panic in patients and stopping the use of the drug, which affects their health.

Ministry communicates with global pharmaceutical agencies The Ministry of Health and Community Protection is in daily contact with the Food and Drug Administration and European and Australian medicines and, if a warning is given, immediately sends a circular to all health authorities concerned to remove and destroy them in order to preserve their health and safety.

She urged community members to consult with the Ministry of Health and the relevant health authorities to obtain official information on any medical problem, medication and medical warning concerning medicines and medical devices. If the public wants to confirm any health information on UAE registered health products and flyers, they can contact the Ministry of Health and Community Protection by email at [email protected] or via the telephone service. of Tamani or by telephone: 2301448 -04

– End –

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