The moments of "Eclipse of the Century" in the skies of Egypt


The Egyptians, Friday night, watched the lunar eclipse, the longest eclipse of the 21st century, with their cameras and lenses, recording this phenomenon moment by moment.

The moon completely touched the shadow of the earth and entered the total eclipse scene at 9:30 pm in Cairo, where the Cairo skies and the provinces of Egypt, embracing the moon, will continue according to officials of the Astronomical Research Institute until 11:45.

The director of the National Institute of Astronomical Research, Dr. Hatem Odeh, said that the eclipse occurred Friday night, known as the Bloody Moon, takes place for the first time in terms of length of the current century.

The lunar eclipse continued in part, became full and bloody at half an hour and reached a peak of 10 and 22 minutes, then the moon partially returned at 11:45 and at 9:40 the Earth was at 110% of the surface of the moon.