The Nokia 9 phone detection event will take place before the MWC's 2019 Mobile World Congress



Recent leaks suggest that HMD Global Oy will have a new Nokia phone named Nokia 9 ready to be launched in the near future. This phone will be unique because it will be the first smartphone with five cameras at the back. Initially, the Nokia 9 will be launched at the World Congress of Mobile 2019 organized by the MWC in Barcelona, ​​Spain, but a new rumor circulates that the launch date has been changed.

The 2019 MWC Mobile World Congress will be held in the last week of February next year. She points out

HMD Global Oy announced the launch of the Nokia 9 phone before the conference.

The Nokia 9 is expected to be launched next year, but the device could be unveiled two weeks before the launch of the MWC's 2019 Mobile World Congress in February. It will not make any difference, as Nokia phone enthusiasts want HMD Global Oy to launch the phone before the end of the year.

HMD Global Oy has not yet confirmed anything on this phone. What we learned from these leaks is that the Nokia 9 will be a sophisticated phone and will feature five cameras at the back. However, we still do not know what this unique camera will bring us.

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