The onion is resistant to excess weight and prevents cancer


Onion .. Resistant to excess weight and prevents cancer

Onions have long been introduced into the human diet and are characterized by a series of properties beneficial to health. The experts have identified the most important reasons why we use this substance in our daily diet.

Onions are a food rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Medium-sized onion with 44 calories and 20 percent of its daily requirement of vitamin C and 10 percent of its daily requirement of vitamin B6

Onions also contain potassium, magnesium and folic acid, as well as anti-inflammatory kercytin. Previous study results indicate that the population of Italy Switzerland has rarely been affected by some common types of cancer, and it turns out that the reason is to eat a lot of people. onions.

The results of a study with women's participation show a relationship between onion consumption before menopause and the condition of the bones. The bones of women who ate onions were 20% higher than other women.

The onion activates digestion because it contains an inulin compound (dietary fiber) that promotes the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, prevents constipation and improves blood sugar levels.

Because onions contain sulfur compounds, eating with tomatoes increases the uptake of lycopene, which protects against cancer and heart disease, and is beneficial to the brain, bones and eyes.





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