The relationship between the germs of the stomach and …


Helicobacter pylori or H. Pylori is a bacteria found in the stomach that is responsible for most intestinal ulcers, and about half of the world's population has these bacteria, making it the infection most common bacterial in humans

Gastroenteritis is more common in developing countries and is associated with social and economic conditions and poor living conditions such as overcrowding, lack of drinking water and other conditions, and most children in developing countries are infected before the age of ten years. % Of children and baths are infected at the age of 20, unlike New Zealand, where more than 50% of children are infected.

The exact route of infection is unknown, but the infection is passed from person to person through the mouth. Stool with the mouth is the most likely cause, which means that activities such as sharing food or cooking utensils or poor hygiene in the toilet can cause the transmission of a gastric infection to another person

. Cause a direct illness in the stomach, and perhaps other diseases associated with the immune response to

Symptoms of infection of the gastric bacteria
Most sufferers gastric ulcers have no symptoms, and symptoms occur if the infection can cause gastric ulcers or gastritis, including abdominal pain (usually in the upper abdomen), nausea , vomiting, bloating, red stools (indicating intestinal bleeding), anemia.

The relationship between the germ of the stomach and diseases of the skin
1 – Articaria
Pain gene involved Many studies have suggested a link between l & # 39; gastric infection and chronic infection, where it is believed that gastric infection increases the permeability of the lining of the stomach and thus increases the risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases. Exposure to allergens in the gastrointestinal tract and the immune response to gastrointestinal disease produce antibodies that can promote the secretion of histamine into the skin.

2. Rosacea
The gastrointestinal infection may increase the rate of nitrous oxide in the blood, Contributing to redness of the skin or redness

3. Psoriasis
The gastrointestinal infection may be one of the organisms that can stimulate the inflammatory response in psoriasis.

4. Sjögren's Syndrome
Gastrointestinal infection can cause self-interaction in the skin and glands. (19659002) 5. Other Skin Diseases

Gastroenteritis also has links to other skin conditions such as: alopecia, hemorrhagic rash, scleroderma, Behçet's disease, generalized itching, itchy skin rash. stomach, immunodeficiency of thrombocytopenia

Does treatment of gastric gland affect skin diseases?
Several studies have suggested Gastroenteritis has positive effects on certain skin diseases such as chronic urticaria, Behçet's disease, flat lichen, atopic dermatitis and scleroderma. are not beneficial are psoriasis and rosacea.

How stomach bacteria damage the stomach
The lining of the stomach is damaged by a complex bacterial reaction and the immune response of the host.The germ of the stomach triggers many enzymes and microbial products that directly damage the wall of the stomach. Blowing

Treatment of gastroenteritis
Treatment of gastrointestinal infection involves several drugs for 7 to 14 days (eg triple therapy), inhibitor Proteon pump (omega-3 fatty acid), omepicazole 40 mg once a day, amoxicillin 1 g twice a day and clarithromycin 500 mg twice a day.It is worth mentioning that the treatment heals up to 90% of cases with germs. , b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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