The Role of Drawing in Reducing Stress for Cancer Patients


News: The role of the drawing in reducing the tension of cancer patients, we always like to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction by our news site, a site of Information was created in 2016 to provide comprehensive content The Arab and international arena of many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political, technical and sports arena and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the news site, the role of reducing tension for patients

Monday, July 9, 2018 1:05 News The drawing is the # 39, one of the favorite hobbies of many people, and some psychologists have noted that, "Drawing is very important to reduce depression and stress."

The Role of Drawing in the Treatment of Mental Illness: [19659004] The researchers are refecting to the therapeutic properties of art in general and to painting especially since a long time: today, the art therapy helps some to express themselves when they have difficulties to s & # 39; 39; express. Cancer patients who have trouble believing and have demonstrated the art of painting who has the ability to cope with tension and reduce its severity, found in the 2006 study that mental treatment a woman suffering from cancer was helping to reduce the symptoms and in some experiments conducted on cancer patients of the age of m damaged, the researchers found that after an hour of treatment treatment have showed overwhelming overwhelming satisfaction with this treatment and their desire to continue to do so.

Recent Study:
– At the University of Drouxel, Philadelphia, some researchers have studied some cancer patients and made them feel feelings and emotions, and not only cancer patients who can benefit from visual arts such as painting, music and other arts.This advanced treatment helps many people with many diseases such as depression, dementia, anxiety or stress disorder Posttraumatic.

– Some researchers have used this treatment as a tool to help identify a particular problem in the patient, and the use of the coloring book of their childhood has a significant impact on their psychological state and can be used as a method painting and coloring. Concentration in Classes and Other A neuroscientist has confirmed that painting and coloring leads to relaxation of the nerve phrase, has the same effect as sedatives, helps to repel other thoughts in our brain and dislodge them, and helps us to We focus on what's happening Now scientists have also begun to notice TG rat heart rate and brain waves when patients use drawing and staining in their spare time.

At the University of New South Wales in Australia, a researcher presented a different interpretation of the therapeutic effect emphasizing that coloring an image can facilitate substitution of thoughts and images negative by positive images. It can be said that the use of coloring books for adults can help them get rid of anxiety and other diseases.

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News: The role of drawing in reducing stress for cancer patients – News – Journal – The role of drawing in reducing stress for patients with cancer Cancer. News – News: The role of drawing in reducing stress for cancer patients.

Source: Mursal

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