The role of olives in reducing weight and suppressing appetite


The olive can help to lose weight because it is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients, calories and glycemic index.

Olive helps to fill the appetite

Although olives contain a high percentage of fat, the vast majority of fats are monounsaturated fats, which can help lower cholesterol and inflammation. Even monounsaturated fatty acids prevent the absorption of unhealthy fats. Sugar, which means it can provide consistent, long-lasting energy without increasing blood sugar levels, has been linked to the nutrients found in olives to prevent cancer and help prevent bone loss.

Calories olive green and black

According to studies conducted in Italy, olive oil has beneficial effects on health, which also contribute to losing weight. If a person takes 10 before a meal, their appetite will be reduced by 22% and unsaturated fatty acids present will also return the brain. These fatty acids stimulate the production of adiponectin, a chemical that burns fat for 5 hours after ingestion. Eating a snack of 5 or 10 green or black olives is an appropriate option, as each olive contains only 12 calories and 28 calories. One gram of green olives contains about 41 calories, 4 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbohydrates and 1 gram of fiber.

An ounce of black olives, or 7 large olives, contains 35 calories, compared to other light salty foods, such as flavored potato chips, with 151 calories per ounce. The olive is winning because it is low in calories. Olive oil needs to be replaced with potato chips to take advantage of the calorie difference of 116 calories for black olives and 120 calories for green olives. Eating olives twice a week for a year instead of potato chips can help you lose an average of 3 pounds.

Healthy fat

The olive contains a large amount of unsaturated fats and the consumption of unsaturated fats can help maintain public health if eaten instead of saturated fats because it can help reduce plaque buildup and bad cholesterol levels. Diabetes and metabolic diseases ", according to which a diet high in fats such as olives instead of saturated fats such as butter resulted in low weight and low cholesterol.

Olive reduces weight

A 2011 study conducted in the European Journal of Endocrinology found that a diet rich in olives instead of other fats resulted in weight loss, while a study conducted on children over the age A year has revealed that the consumption of olives, instead of other fats, The researchers concluded that this was due to the high content of monounsaturated fatty acids in olives and that one High diet in MUFA could help reduce the risk of obesity.

Note: You should avoid marinated olives, canned or bottled because they contain a lot of calories and sodium. High sodium content causes water retention because it can cause bloating.

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Source: Al-Mersal

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