The seventh day is urgent – for women .. The hypothyroidism causes fetal abnormalities


The lack of thyroid activity is explained by many reasons, explains the report published on the site " mayoclinique"These include the genetic history of the family, which is one of the most important reasons to be vigilant, and women are most vulnerable to it, as well as diabetes and multiple sclerosis. plates.

The report pointed out that some autoimmune diseases increased the risk of infection, such as lupus, and that the use of antithyroid activity was one of the main reasons.

The report pointed out that the emergence of the gland in the neck is one of the most important signs of thyroid problems; it should be reported to the doctor. It is done by radioactive iodine treatment or by surgery and by the disposal of all or part of these.

The report also highlighted the existence of numerous health complications due to hypothyroidism, such as increased gland size and significant neck enlargement, and the neglect of hypothyroidism, one of the leading causes of heart disease resulting from increased cholesterol in the blood.

The incidence of hypothyroidism is mainly related to the reduction of the proportion of female hormones, which increases the weakness of fertility and delays reproduction. It did not put an end to the risk, but in the case of birth defects fetal fetal malformations due to the abandonment of the treatment.

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