The smart phone can increase the symptoms of attention deficit in the teenager


A recent study has shown that the excessive use of smart phones in adolescents can expose them to a risk of hyperactivity and attention deficit.

Researchers at the University of Michigan, It has been reported that teens who used 'many times' smart phones a day were more likely to suffer from hyperactivity disorder with deficiency in the night. attention (ADHD) over the next two years

The study included about 2,600 high school students with no impairment disorder. Attention and hyperactivity at the beginning of the study, were asked The number of times they participated in 14 different activities in digital media such as social networking sites Facebook, Twitter, text messages, or surfing on the Internet.

Every six months for two years, students answered questionnaires of all symptoms of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in the last six months.

About 500 students reported not using digital pads frequently, no more than once or twice a day, compared to 4.3% of children with ADHD deficiency. attention

The situation was different for children having participated in at least seven The study found that for every activity that children engage in each day, the risk of developing hyperthyroidism and a disorder 39, hyperactivity (ADHD) was increased from 9.5% to 10.5%.

The attention is increased by 10%.
This article comes from: Dawn Journal

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