The world is experiencing the longest total eclipse in the 21st century


For four hours, the UAE and the world followed a rare astronomical phenomenon that scientists say will not be repeated in the 21st century, the longest total lunar eclipse lasting one hour and 43 minutes. The moon appeared red in color, because the earth fell between it and the sun and prevented the fall of its rays. As the moon was at its smallest, it was the longest total eclipse of the present century.

Many other planets, like Jupiter Venus, Saturn and Mars, where the latter appeared bright and close to the earth, according to Scientists The United Arab Emirates and the Middle East were among the best in the world for see the eclipse completely.


The moon began to enter the shadows at 9:15 pm. Partial eclipse at 10:24, and the total eclipse began at 11:30, and the eclipse reached its peak after midnight about 22 minutes in the morning, and ended at 1:12 on Saturday, while that the partial eclipse ended at 2 pm: 7 pm, the moon comes out of the semi-shadow and the eclipse ends completely at 3:29 am Saturday

Astronomers confirm that the Lunar eclipse is apparent An astronomical event occurs when the Earth's shadow blocks the reflected light from the moon under normal conditions. This phenomenon occurs when the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are in a planetary state. complete and are completely eclipsed, although it is partly due to partial eclipses


On the other hand , the Abu Dhabi International Center for Astronomy, sponsored and supported by the Emirates Space Agency, has monitored the phenomenon from 8 pm to 1 pm on Corniche Street, where the event drew the public and those who are interested and able to see the eclipse to the naked eye and through the telescope BAT was prepared by the International Center for Astronomy. "The Agency supports the monitoring of this remarkable event to spread the culture of astronomy and space, where Arab and Muslim scientists have long excelled and have a long history in the sciences that are now a great space for space exploration and exploration, "said Mohammed Nasser Al Ahbabi. Dubai has continued the longest lunar eclipse of the moon "The shortest total lunar eclipse occurred during this century on April 4, 2005 and the duration of the total eclipse has been only 4 minutes 48 seconds, "said engineer Mohamed Shawkat Odeh, director of the Abu Dhabi International Astronomy Center. Usually, no difference was observed on the luminosity of the moon at the first half-hour of the beginning of the eclipse, as the moon was just beginning in the semi-shaded area and the Earth n & # 39; 39; had not been visible enough to be observed at the naked eye

19659002] A child follows the eclipse of the telescope amplifier It should be noted that this century will see 225 lunar eclipse phenomena, of which 85 are completely eclipsed, and the longest was eclipse yesterday, and experts confirm that the phenomenon of the lunar eclipse And the effects of planets on a single line n? do not affect the health of people nor the climate: the moon reflects only the sun, and what happens, it is that it appeared dark only for a short time

The Sky in Abu Dhabi

Watching the Eclipse in Abu Dhabi |

Mars was closer to Earth than it had been in In 2003, some observers can see what appears to be a red-orange star that will be in reality the red planet.During thousands of years, humans have looked in the sky for good or bad luck, but astronomers have said that there was no reason Anxiety.

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