The world now – the removal of a tumor weighing 5 kg of the face of a young Indian


You now look at the news – the world now – the removal of a tumor weight 5 kg of the face of a young Indian
In the News – News Horizon News
The young Ammar Samad, 19, suffered for a very long time from isolation because of a terrible illness, so that the doctors were able to save him and open a new page in his life.

During his forced 10-year isolation, the boy was also badly treated and ridiculed as well as the excruciating pain caused by the tumor in his head and face.

This malignancy gradually increased and deprived the poor of the ability to eat and talk naturally, as he moved toward his eyes until he could no longer see, except the above. “/>


Doctors say that the young man has a very rare genetic disease, hyperthyroidism, with jaundice.

The Ammar family did not have the money to pay for the surgery, so the doctors gave it for free: the tumor was 20 centimeters in diameter and weighed 4.8 kilograms. We hope to show you that the news of "The World Now – Tumor Resection 5 Kg of the face of the young Indian" We have no responsibility and you can read the news of the original site of RT Arabic (Russia Today) and you can follow the latest news and news via our Horizon site always by visiting the link "http: //" or by writing "Horizon News" in Google and you will be redirected to our site immediately, God willing.

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