These are the disadvantages of "corporal punishment" of all kinds for children! | The health


Presented a group of doctors
Early Childhood Professionals Reinforce the Disadvantages of Physical Strokes and Punishment
Of all kinds for children, because of the potential for long-term damage.

In a report published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the damage may be caused
Including aggression, brain changes, addiction and suicidal behavior
In children in adulthood.

Previously, the American Academy of Pediatrics stated that "
Parents must not follow the blows method. But these days the academy says Ali
Parents should not shout, beat, slap, threaten or humiliate their children,
Instead, they must find other "healthy" forms of discipline and adaptation

The group of doctors points out that blows – especially in young children – are incompatible with parenting.

Some parents still believe that blows can lead to improvement
Behavior at least over a short period, but recent studies suggest that
Blows are no more effective than nonphysical penalties, including dead time,
Set limits and create unwanted objects for children.

Doctors also suggest putting favorite toys for children and reducing the time spent in front of a screen
For them, they say that "although many children have been beaten
During their childhood, they became adults, happy and healthy, but current evidence suggests
Blows are not necessary and can cause long-term damage. "

Studies published over the past two decades have reinforced the evidence that blows can make young children more aggressive and more difficult.

Other studies have linked corporal punishment in childhood with changes.
That occurs in the brain in adulthood, including the decline of the substance
Gray, high levels of stress hormones,

In addition to suicidal behavior, drug use, anger, among other possible consequences of violence.

The Academy also warns of serious verbal abuse in which an insult to children,
Citing research that links them to depression and insurgent behavior

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