This way, you can prevent your subscribers from seeing your own photos on "Instagram" – Al Nahar Online


Given the problems faced by users of the image application, "Ingstram" seeing a number of followers of their own images that they do not want to see them.

The site of the professional "Mac OS" of how to delete a number of followers

In order to delete followers on Entgram, the following steps must be followed:
Click on the image of the profile in the menu under the screen
Click the Subscribers icon at the top of the screen. Which one you want to delete
Click the three dots next to the follow button for anyone you want to delete from the list of participants.
You will see a pop-up window and after clicking on an option to remove the follower from your followers list
Followers will not receive notifications that they do not follow you anymore but they can not see your own photos but can see them if they access your profile directly on Instagram.
Decline a follower From the display of your own image, you must click on the Block icon instead of the Delete P icon (19659008)! Function (e, t, n, c, o, a, f) {e.fbq || (o = e.fbq = function () {o.callMethod? O.callMethod. apply (o, arguments): o.queue.push (arguments)}, e._fbq || (e._fbq = o), o .push = o, o.loaded =! 0, o.version = "2.0", (a = t.createElement (n)), async =! 0, a.src = " /en_US/fbevents.js ", (f = t.getElementsByTagName (n) [0]). parentNode.insertBefore (a, f))} (window, document, script), fbq (" init "," 40566929726292 ") , fbq ("track" "); [ad_2]
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