Thyroid problems .. your life is turbulent


Request: Randa Girgis

The thyroid gland is one of the most important glands of the human body because it controls the metabolism and gives us the hormone thyroxine, which strengthens the energy , and women are the most affected by men. A large number of natural nutrients are the most common causes of thyroid problems, followed by genetics.The cases are divided into hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, each with its own symptoms and signs.The lack of interest and rapid resolution of problem can lead to complications affecting some body organs, the formation of protuberances that can lead to cervical cancer A recent estimate has shown that about 5% of patients in the Middle East suffer from pain. a thyroid disease, a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck that secretes hormones into the bloodstream and is primarily responsible for the ability of the thyroid gland. The body converts food into energy (the metabolic rate) and adjusts the body temperature.The swelling of the thyroid gland causes it to swell.The size of the gland is rarely increased because of cancer, but it is usually either an indication of Hyperactivity or shortness of the thyroid gland Yeh affects the metabolic rate, and the ability to control body temperature, and energy levels.


mentions d. The main symptoms of hyperthyroidism are: heart palpitations, sweating, weight loss, heat intolerance, anxiety, hand tremors, excessive hair loss, muscle weakness, irregular movement of the intestines, swelling of the eyes , and If the patient is suffering from hypothyroidism, stress, unexplained weight gain, feeling cold, constipation, increased sleep, bloating under the eyes, aches and pains are likely . It occurs for various reasons, in some cases


Treatment may be a case of autoimmune disease, where the body attacks the thyroid gland for unknown reasons, and iodine deficiency is the main cause of its hypertrophy, but we can eliminate it because iodine is readily available. Dr. In most cases, the condition of the thyroid gland can be controlled by medication.The hyperactivity is prescribed by prescription drugs to suppress the overproduction of the hormone.For people suffering from hypothyroidism, a hormonal replacement is given. The most common thyroid gland is radioactive iodine, which can partially or completely destroy the thyroid gland.This treatment is reliable and safe.The doctor describes the radioactive iodine and radiography to determine the dose, determines the Because of hyperthyroidism, needs about 90% of the time. But it can go away up to six months before the drug will destroy the thyroid gland in whole or in part, and in most cases, the symptoms become milder in patients less than a month after the start of treatment. In order to avoid complications and reduce the risk of nerve damage to the vocal cords during surgery, we use the neuromonitor to monitor the nerves and accurately detect their position.

Recovery Period

Most patients can resume normal walking the day after surgery, but stress and stress are not recommended for lifting for two weeks, but most patients will not be able to do so again. worry about thyroid surgery that can affect the vocal cords and speech. They may notice slight changes in the voice or may get tired at the end of the day, but these changes usually go away within 2-3 months. If they continue, the patient should seek additional evaluation from the surgeon or the doctor. 39; endocrinologist. Some patients may need to replace the hormone of tomorrow


Dr. Zaki Lada, consultant in general surgery, explains that the thyroid gland is a dull gland that is found in the neck and that it consists of two lobules and a sting that secrete hormones into the blood. , And affect the rate of metabolism and protein formation, and it produces a hormone called (calcitonin), which plays a role in the balance of calcium, and when the proportion of secretion of this hormone gland, it causes certain diseases, such as:
– Hyperthyroidism, The most common cause is an autoimmune disease or what is called Grave.
– insufficient production of hormones at the origin of hypothyroidism, the lack of iodine levels in the body and the presence of the disease from Hashimoto: it should be noted that a viral quorum sometimes leads to short-term regulation of thyroid activity, the emergence of thyroid tumors and cancer.

Target groups

Reminders d. Zaki said that thyroiditis includes patients with Hashimoto and postpartum symptoms, which are more common in women with hypothyroidism. It targets all age groups from young to older, although most of the most common cases occur in middle age Some complications occur in infected people when the gland does not function properly, they affect the health of the heart and can cause mucus coma and fainting. The treatment of hypothyroidism can compensate for the lack of these hormones and require limited or permanent treatment. , As possible To control these diseases temporarily by the use of beta inhibitory drugs, or prescribe drugs that prevent the work of the glands for a long time, and can receive radioactive iodine is one the most important treatments, but in cases of streptococci may appear simple pimples, varicose veins However, 5% of these vertebrates may be cancerous, so when there is an increase in thyroid cancer, it is best to eradicate, especially when it presses the airways.

Rich in iodine

Iodine is an important mineral in the formation of thyroid hormone, which has advantages It contains iodine in milk, yogurt, eggs hard and fruit such as pineapple, bananas, strawberries, strawberries and vegetables such as green beans, watercress and some seaweed like shrimp, cod, lobster, canned tuna in the # 39, oil, while eating one of the cooked potatoes provide about 40% of the necessary iodine. By the iodine present in them, and quit smoking.

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