Today's Tech News – a tip that allows you to cancel once friend requests on Facebook and agree and cancel


Learn how to cancel or accept friend requests on Facebook and cancel Vu and more messages via this extension.

Are you a celebrity who has many, many requests for friendship on the Facebook social network platform or if you have been added to the exchange of friendship and participation requests and of comments on the Facebook platform, which naturally led to the receipt of tens or hundreds of friend requests for improvements You know them

Facebook social network users have reached more than 2 billion people, nearly one-third of the world's population. Unfortunately, of course, you do not know all users, some of them do not want to know them from the ground and, obviously, there are a very large number of counterfeit accounts with one use.

Many sites are used to increase the number of comments, and participation on the Facebook platform, but; Is also used by some to increase the number of friends and followers to compete with those who have the largest number of readers of publications in the virtual world.

Someone might add your email address, name, or Facebook profile link to any of these sites, which will of course result in a considerable number of unwanted friend requests.

I write this article to learn how to cancel friend requests on Facebook in one go without a problem.

Did you know the whole story behind the hacking of Facebook and the leak of 50 million users?

The Google Chrome browser, which ranks second in the browser rankings, contains many useful tools and complements that we may not be familiar with, like the addition of the Facebook Toolkit, which allows you to do a lot on the Facebook platform via a Chrome browser. You can do this by unlocking friendships on Facebook.

You can download the Facebook Toolkit or what is called the For FB Toolkit by PlugEx via this link:

Download the Facebook Toolkit add-on on the Chrome browser.

This add-on offers you a set of features that allow you to run orders on the Facebook platform ten times a day, such as running the order of cancellation of requests for Facebook friendship for ten people a day for the free version, and you can invite friends to impress your pages and invite them to events.

In addition, you can add a large number of people to groups, delete all comments and publish on multiple groups, as well as many other features that you can add to Toolkit For FB by PlugEx.

You can also own the paid version of this extension, which allows you to perform all these tasks with multiple users at a time.

After downloading and installing the extension on Google Chrome, click on its button at the top left of the screen, next to the gadgets.

How to cancel friend requests on Facebook

Then look for a section option called Accept or reject all friend requests.

How to cancel friend requests on Facebook

Once you've found this option, click the Start tool, and then click the Friend Requests page. A window appears at the top allowing you to choose how quickly Facebook friend requests are accepted or canceled.

How to cancel friend requests on Facebook

NoteNote: If you are not logged in to the Facebook platform, the tool will direct you to the login page first and you do not need to give it privileges for execute his own orders, such as canceling Facebook friend requests.

At the top right of the page, a notice warns you of commands executed by the tool, such as canceling Facebook friend requests at each run and at the requested speed.

If you decide to cancel your decision, simply cancel and stop the process by pressing the Close button at the top right of the tool window.

How to cancel friend requests on Facebook

By following the steps above, you can do everything the tool allows you to cancel or accept Facebook friend requests, to add members to groups, invite friends to your pages or events, and so much more.

It also offers you a nice feature that you can use to write to your PC for those who are using versions of Windows prior to Windows 8 for which Microsoft has started providing expressions on the system's virtual keyboard.

You can access these emoticons by pressing Emoji in the left menu of the tool after entering its parameters to display the list of all the desired expressions. You can then use the expression expression you want to appear in the top bar, and then press Copy Text. Use wherever you are, whether on social media platforms or others.

How to cancel friend requests on Facebook

This is not all, this tool also allows you to hide the read status of "Vu" messages on the Facebook platform by clicking on the "Hide" button "Tick" at the bottom of the menu. tool on the left of the screen, Hide View is disabled.

In this way, you learned how to disable or accept Facebook friend requests in one click via Google Chrome, as well as to add other tips and tools by adding the Facebook Toolbox. . Do not forget to follow the site Arabic material To learn more about the tips and secrets of the world of technology and everything new.

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