Treatment Tips for Developing Your Child's Hair


Give us a range of nutritional tips to consider to develop and strengthen your child's hair:

– Salmon and fish of all kinds, rich in fatty acids and omega-3, that stimulate hair growth.

– Egg rich in protein, manganese and biotin useful for the hair and advised to boil it twice a week.

– Fruits of all kinds, and advised to eat yellow and orange fruits, the most important is banana rich in vitamin B, which promotes hair growth and strengthens the roots, and rich in vitamin "A" also, which promotes the health of glands of the scalp.

– Citrus fruits such as bio-rich folic acid to the orange and pineapple, which strengthens the hair of the roots and prevents falls.

– Strawberry is a rich source of antioxidants and calcium that contributes to the development of baby hair.

– Milk, milk and calcium-rich dairy products, which are the most important minerals for the growth of the child's hair, so be sure to feed him at least two to three times a day.

– Foods rich in vitamin E, such as spinach, which stimulate hair growth in children.

– Water is essential for the child to protect it from drought. So be sure to drink water all day.

– Foods rich in vitamin B, such as whole grains, nutritious and rich in vitamins that play a role in the development of children's hair, and rice also rich in vitamin B, which increases the production of keratin and proteins responsible the strengthening of hair follicles and development, the comprehensive solutions provided by B vitamins, In the regulation of the hormones involved in the hair growth process, the most important biotin, which is important for the production of keratin.

– Legumes such as peas, lentils and beans rich in folic acid, which help the development of the child's hair, and which are advisable to add mashed potatoes in your child's meals.

Consume high-protein foods, such as chicken, fish and fat-free meat, as they contain biotin and amino acids, which are important for hair growth and fallout protection; they are also rich in zinc and iron.

– Eat vegetables, mainly black vegetables and tomatoes rich in vitamin C, which protect the hair from breakage.

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