Turmeric predicts the elimination of blindness


A recent medical study shows that turmeric can give the hope of treating millions of people with glaucoma.

Glaucoma is caused by high pressure in the eye and damage to the optic nervous tissue,

The British Daily Mail reported that researchers at the London School have recently discovered that it was possible to use turmeric in the form of drops in the eye to prevent loss of eyesight.

It is estimated that nearly 60 million people suffer from blue water, which often affects the elderly, showing a large blind part.

A. According to the same source, experiments on rats have shown that droplets – including the substance responsible for the yellow color of turmeric – contribute significantly to preventing the loss of retinal cells in the eye and protecting them from damage

As the disorders do not degrade quickly, the patient should eat 24 tablets a day up to noticeable improvement.

Scientists seek to develop drops of turmeric, and expect a better decomposition of 400 thousand times compared to tablets

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