Two studies on the treatment of cancer patients with "trachea"


The British medical journal The Lancet withdrew two studies from Italian surgeon Paolo Machiarini on the use of bronchi to help cancer patients. The newspaper said it was a "scientific mistake". The new president of the Karolinska Institute, Ole Peter Ottersen, asked for the draw after commissioning a panel of experts to study the content of the two scientific papers.

A team of researchers, under the direction of Machiarini, worked at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. The esophagus is an artificial bronchus, made to suit each case separately. It was later found that many patients who had undergone surgery died shortly after the surgery.

The Machiarini scandal largely extended the Nobel Prize, where the Karolinska Institute, where 50 experts annually decide on the personality to get won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, the Italian surgeon in 2010 before being separated in 2016. Two members of the Nobel Committee for Medicine were forced to resign, after having put pressure on them for not taking the necessary measures against Machiarini after the deaths.

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