Uganda begins Ebola vaccination campaign despite fears of spread of the disease in Congo


Uganda has announced that it will start vaccinating some health workers against Ebola on Monday, fearing that viral haemorrhagic fever will spread from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which faces a epidemic of this disease..

Jane Roth-ing, Minister of Health, said the authorities would provide some 2,100 doses of vaccine to cover health staff in areas near the border, about 100 kilometers from the Ebola virus dispatches in Congo..

According to Enge, tens of thousands of border crossing points cross the border in both directions every week for trade, family visits and other purposes., "For this reason, the risk of cross-border transmission is considered very high," she said at a press conference. "It is here that health workers should be protected by this vaccine."Congo announced the outbreak of Ebola on August 1, resulting in the death of at least 139 people.

Doctors participating in the Ebola campaign
Doctors participating in the Ebola campaign

Immunization against Ebola
Immunization against Ebola

The Ebola vaccination campaign
The Ebola vaccination campaign

Campaign Against Ebola Vaccination
Campaign Against Ebola Vaccination

Serum for Ebola vaccination
Serum for Ebola vaccination

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