"UNICEF" confirms the injury of 30 people every hour, "AIDS" during


Washington – The Voice of the Emirates

A report from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) found that under-age girls make up the majority of people living with HIV / AIDS in 2017. [19459007TheWorldHealthOrganization(WHO)establishedinAmsterdamonWednesdayfoundthat30ofthe30hourlyinfectionsamongteenagersaged15to15years19yearsabout20girlstwo-thirdsofthenumberLastyear130000minorsundertheageof19losttheirlivestoAIDSand430000newcaseswithanaverageof50casesperhour

According to the UN report, despite significant progress in the fight against AIDS in the past two decades The report indicates that the prevalence of AIDS among minors is increasing because of their early sexual intercourse, some with older men, and forced to exercise due to poverty and lack of availability of special consultations in this regard and medical examination services "In most countries, women and girls are lacking Information or services, or even rejection, and HIV is spreading among the most vulnerable and marginalized groups, leaving adolescents at the center of the crisis. '

Adolescents aged 10 to 19 account for about two-thirds of the HIV-infected population under 19 years of age. The number of AIDS-related deaths in all other age groups has decreased since 2010. Deaths of patients aged 15 to 19 years are not decreasing.

Wei 37 million people in the world carry the HIV virus.

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