Use your lifestyle to protect yourself from cancer


Studies and scientific research indicate that it is impossible to prevent exposure to cancer as it is the case for other diseases, namely the use of vaccines and ordinary medicines. However, some lifestyle adjustments can significantly reduce the risk of cancer. What we need to do is adopt a healthy, long-term and risk-based lifestyle in order to avoid the risk of cancer as much as possible …

The early diagnosis of cancer has been changed several times and it became recognizable in its infancy. It is true that early diagnosis can be useful in treating cancer and eliminating it, but it is not enough on its own to prevent cancer infection, but we need to adopt a healthy lifestyle that protects us from tumors. malignant. Scientists point out that lifestyle changes are the best way to prevent cancer. They point out that a large part of cancers can be prevented. Cancer is no longer a fatality.

The food is ok

A healthy diet is one of the most important factors to help prevent cancer. It is recommended to avoid red meat, processed meats (such as sausages), fatty foods high in fats and sugars and to quit smoking. These things increase the risk of cancerous tumors. You must also eat vegetables and fish and be careful to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

It is also recommended to maintain a healthy and healthy weight because obesity is a major cause of cancer, increasing the secretion of hormones and inflammation. Therefore, the elimination of obesity can help prevent cancer.

Healthy cuisine

Have you ever thought that cooking could increase the risk of cancer? Indeed, studies suggest that carcinogenic compounds are produced from foods or fried products. These compounds are formed by the drop of liquid droplets of meat and the same fat, resulting in the contamination of pieces of meat from coal gas and rising smoke. Studies indicate that high consumption of meat cooked at high temperatures increases the risk of exposure to many types of cancer, including breast cancer, colon, rectum, stomach, pancreas, prostate and endometrium … If you have time to cook, you must replace it immediately. Pods and husks lifted can significantly increase the risk of cancer because they allow PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) to seep into foods. This acid is associated with the growth of cancer cells. So you should carefully choose utensils that help you cook without harming your health.

Permanent movement

There is no doubt that the permanent movement is good for public health, but it is also effective in preventing cancer. Doctors therefore recommend that you do not sit down and exercise for at least 30 minutes a day to reduce the risk of cancer. The higher the level of movement in the lifestyle, the lower the risk of cancer. The movement does not only mean exercise, but also physical activity, such as getting to the bus station or any distance traveled by bike.

To undergo periodic examinations

We all recognize the importance of periodic medical examinations at least once a year. This procedure will help determine if there are cancer cells in the body. Early detection of cancer increases the chances of healing because it helps to fight cancer growth before it spreads in the body can not be cured.

One must be careful with the family history of cancer, that is, several generations of the disease. Some cancers, such as colon, breast and ovarian cancers, are inherited from the family.

It is therefore recommended to consult your doctor immediately if you have a family history of any type of cancer.

– It is advisable to have a medical examination every six months.

– Avoid unnecessary medical examinations, although CT scans and X-rays are among the best diagnostic tools available. But overuse can increase the risk of developing the disease. The high radiation of these diagnostic tools can lead to leukemia.

– Do not ignore the pain if you feel it, seek to consult your doctor and pass the necessary tests.

Stay away from sources of tension and stress

Stress is one of the main causes of many serious health problems, including cancer. The tension increases the risk of inflammation in the body and opens the way to the disease. Scientific studies have shown that stress is directly linked to cancer and leads to an increased proliferation of cancer cells in the body.

Therefore, it is recommended to devote the necessary time to rest each day in order to get rid of the stresses of everyday life, otherwise it is very likely that the immune system will sag in the body and weaken the risk of Cancer.

It is imperative to eliminate tension through meditation or by practicing your favorite hobbies. It is also advisable to use the mobile phone less, because the frequencies emitted by it can damage brain cells and cause brain cancer in the long term.

Prevention of sunlight

It is true that the sun is one of the best sources of vitamin D needed by the human body, but excessive exposure to the sun increases the risk of skin cancer if it is not taken precautions. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays, to use sun creams, to wear protective clothing during an outdoor hike and to avoid sun exposure. avoid as much as possible the midday sun.

Drink a lot of water

Water is one of the essential elements of life, without which we can not live. This is a high proportion of the composition of the human body and it is necessary to maintain the balance of the body and the functioning of its functions. Therefore, you must drink water regularly to maintain good physical work.

It is interesting to note that excessive consumption of water and other fluids can reduce the risk of bladder cancer by concentrating carcinogens in the urine and helping to expel these triggers more quickly into the bladder.

It is generally recommended to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day, which also helps control calories, provides a feeling of fullness, helps maintain the energy needed for muscles, maintains healthy skin and kidneys and regulates the functioning of the digestive system.

Stop smoking

It is also important to stop smoking immediately, as smoking increases not only the risk of lung cancer, but also 10 times the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus. Smoking also increases the risk of bladder and kidney cancer.

Remarkably, smoking a single cigarette a day increases the risk of lung, bladder, kidney, throat and mouth cancer. Of course, passive smoking is very dangerous. Therefore, it is recommended to stay away from places where smokers sit to avoid sniffing their cigarettes.

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