"Vertigo" .. Index of several diseases


Some people suddenly feel that the earth is disturbed by the feet, or that the walls of the room are around it, and it can reach the point of unconsciousness, because of vertigo or vertigo.
Researchers define vertigo as being unable to balance, with the view of surrounding objects as if it were spinning or swaying, may have reached the victim's inability to maintain the body's balance, and the rotor is sometimes accompanied by nausea followed by vomiting.
Vertigo is symptomatic and non-pathogenic The infection has a wide range of factors, so it's hard to know why the infection, how much
The researchers note that by autopsy there were 4 places considered responsible for the imbalance, namely, the entire brain, and the cause may be a problem in or in the nerves, or because of an organic disease that caused a problem in
Any problem in the The cerebellum causes imbalance and coordination during movement, and any defect in the basal ganglia weakens the physical responses of the body, and also causes sensory tract problems or receptors that disturb the reception of the deep sense. Factors and causes of the subject that lead to dizziness or vertigo, and also panic

Other disorders

Dizziness begins with a feeling of dizziness, where blood flow to the brain decreases, followed by confusion in the mind, inability to balance and impaired vision and hearing.

Dizziness may occur due to varying pressure in the semicircular canal of the inner ear, as well as dyspepsia and constipation and some kidney disease.
People suffering from high blood pressure suffer a lot from the symptoms of dizziness, which can be caused by a shock to the head or a concussion, and the person who has vertigo may lose balance falls to the ground or can not stand.

Four Species

Vertigo quickly disappears, and the injured person does not like to stay in high places, usually holding something around him, as if descending from a building high in a wall.
This type of vertigo is present when it is high as a mountain peak, The roof of a skyscraper, because it does not have harmony between the head and feet, and could fall because of it
The patient feels the second type of vertigo when he is suddenly sitting, so he clings to things for fear of falling, and the patient of this guy sits on his bed, before leaving for 5 minutes to 10 minutes, otherwise exposed to vertigo. The rotor disappears a few moments later, and can last from one to two hours.
The third type of person is obliged not to leave the bed for several days, can not get up or wear his clothes and risks losing his balance. Nausea of ​​the Rotor
The fourth type of vertigo accompanies nausea and tinnitus in the ear, and its seizures

Ear Diseases and Diabetes

Causes of Vertigo or Vertigo are so many that they include many mental and neurological diseases and disorders, Some people may be dizzy because of sudden changes in the body, or because of the high altitude, and vertigo of the sea.
A number of cases lead to vertigo, including a viral disease Infects the ear, and usually causes this ear disease that occur
Diabetic patients have vertigo due of hypoglycemia, and may also be exposed to this condition due to hypoglycemia.
[45] Anemia causes vertigo, also known as diminished perceptual pressure, more common in the elderly, where there is a sudden drop in blood pressure when sitting or standing abruptly, which disappears after to be lying down.
In the body as a result of exposure to bleeding or serious injury, lead to pregnancy and childbirth

Migraines and Droughts

Migraines can cause dizziness, which can have taken place before, after or even without headaches.
This may be due to dizziness and headaches.
Basic dystrophy causes vertigo, where blood flow to the back of the brain decreases, and the vascular system can collapse. Which leads to the brain of the heart, which is known as atherosclerosis.
Myocardial infarction is caused
This causes nerve stress in life, insomnia, stress and anxiety disorders, as well as dryness of the body's general fluids, l 39; Excessive exercise, side effects of certain medications, such as antidepressants, drugs for hypertension and carbon monoxide poisoning.
Dizziness causes malnutrition, dizziness, excessive thinness, lack of food for fruits and vegetables and lack of rest and sleep at night.

Stunned by the feeling that everything is spinning around him He also moves, although he is sitting, standing or feeling unstable, which means that his body is moving in all directions without moving from his place.
Dizziness loses its balance, against its will, and some people feel dizzy, as if they were swimming, and sometimes there is a sensation of movement and weight.
Symptoms of dizziness include feeling dizziness, nausea and vomiting, and pale face and, in some cases, may lead to unconsciousness. The patient loses concentration, sense of time or place, has a cluttered vision and feels a state of weakness

Start the reason

Treatment of vertigo or vertigo begins with knowing the cause of this condition first, and some cases may be treated at home when the cause is unsatisfactory, such as lifestyle changes and physical stress.
These drugs are available for dizziness and vertigo, and can be dispensed without a prescription.Earth diseases that cause circulation are treated.For example, the ear infection is treated with antibiotics and Mayer's disease is treated with a diet. To relieve fluid, or resort to surgery Advanced cases. If the cause of vertigo is a brain tumor, any migraine is avoided, when it is caused by vertigo or treated with appropriate medications.
Anxiety, mental disorders and stress should be treated first, As a rule, it is recommended to increase fresh water and juices when you are dizzy, avoid caffeine, smoking, alcohol and any other substance that affects the balance. Increased Symptoms of Dizziness Preventive Measures

A recent study suggests that dizziness or lightheadedness can be prevented by a number of procedures, including the gradual change in body position, especially when you sit down and you go out of the bed for a second.
It is recommended to sit on the front seat of the car, looking from the window to a fixed point, as well as to avoid activities that require moving the head
L & # 39, use of drugs that may have caused the balance, as a side effect, should be careful and the dizzy person should sit or lie down as soon as he feels the appearance symptoms and, as he walks, he must move slowly, without moving his head.
The patient must also not exert excessive stress, try to relax the body and relax, avoid sinus irritation, and therefore headaches, and control levels of anxiety and Of voltage. b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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