Video .. Chinese dates eliminate cancer and prevent infection


  Video .. Chinese dates eliminate cancer and prevent infection
Video .. Chinese dates eliminate cancer and prevent infection

Video .. Chinese Dates Eliminates Cancer and protects against infection by the Observatory News, citing Mursal Chinese dates eliminate cancer and prevent infection, video .. Chinese dates eliminate cancer and prevent infection, we will Let's broadcast our visitors News News Today through our news observatory and start with the main news, video .. Chinese dates eliminate Cancer and Infection Prevention

The main observatory news » »[Vidéo] Chinese dates eliminate cancer and prevent infections

  Video .. Chinese dates eliminate cancer and prevent infection <img cl ass = "img-responsive lazy" src = "" alt = "Video .. Chinese dates eliminate cancer and prevent Infections Scientists at the University of Liverpool have discovered that taking Chinese dates modifies the metabolism in the human body and enriches cells and tissues with vitamins.

The Daily Mail reports that scientists have considered Chinese dates, also called "young apples". Is the most effective way to treat and prevent malignancies

Chinese dates are also taken for long periods of time On problems of loss of appetite and insomnia

Studies in laboratory have shown that vitamin-saturated tissues and antioxidants, found in Chinese dates, are more resistant to cancer cell attacks and resistant because they cause stress and malignant tumor cells.On 18 of the 24 bioactive amino acids that regulate secretion of protein production in the human body

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2018-07-13 2018-07-13

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