Video .. Scientists develop a revolutionary genetic modification technique allowing the transfer of members of "pigs" to the human!


US researchers have successfully modified a gene to get rid of harmful viral genes, which has hindered the use of pork members to plant in the human body.

Cresper Cass

This study extends the scope of the use of technology known as Crisper-Cass 9, which allows scientists to modify all the genes that they target, even those human embryos.

This step allows scientists to detect genetic defects and modify or replace them in any genome, according to the Daily Mail.

Genome modification of pigs

Researchers, led by the genetic researcher at Harvard Medical School, George Church, succeeded in simultaneously replacing genetic material in 62 specific sites of the original genome.

The Czech research team has shown that the pork genome can be radically modified to eradicate the viral genes already present in porcine cells.

He added in a short time: "Such a technique will one day succeed, the transfer and transplantation of porcine limbs as an alternative to human organs, for patients in urgent need of organ transplantation after the impossibility of provide them.

"Church" believes that organ transplantation experiments from pigs to humans can occur by 2021 – an achievement that promises to significantly reduce transplantation lists.

On the other hand, Krish explained that many biological pathways are being explored to reverse the effects of aging.

Not updated

It should be noted that organ transplantation from pigs to humans is not updated, has been used pork heart valves tissue to repair damaged valves in humans.

But the use of whole body members of the pig close to humans, has never been because of the possibility that the process involves the transfer of latent latent viruses in pigs, do not harm them, but cause diseases to humans. Click here to see the video

The Observatory

Source: The Nile