Vitamins "prolong the age" .. Scientists publish the complete list – the website of Al-Manar channel – Lebanon


A scientist has identified 36 types of vitamins and nutrients that could add a few years to everyone's life, according to the British Daily Mail.

"Consuming too many vitamins and minerals prevents disease and the risk of premature death," said Dr. Bruce Ames, of the Auckland Children's Hospital Research Institute, at the newspaper .

However, most people suffer from a lack of many nutrients, according to a doctor who confirmed that a balanced diet is very important for long-term health.

The research findings confirm what mothers have always said to their children: "Eat your vegetables and fruits, put down sugary sodas and carbohydrates, and about 70% of Americans suffer from vitamin D deficiency, up to. 60% lack vitamin E.

Although vitamin D is important for the health of bones, heart and brain, vitamin E protects against skin and eye damage.

Dr. Ames came to this conclusion by evaluating the research that he and his colleagues, as well as other scientists around the world, have based on the theory that, when a person lacks vitamins and of minerals, his body consumes his stocks to ensure his survival.

For example, a vitamin K deficiency may prompt a person to use vitamin K to ensure adequate blood clotting, rather than investing in heart health. A lack of "vitamins of longevity" however can not expose someone to a risk of direct death, which can cause progressive damage as shown later.

Previous research suggests that it is possible to prevent more than 50 hereditary cases by taking high-dose supplements. Some nutrient deficiencies can be corrected once vitamins and minerals have been consumed in sufficient quantities, but damage to DNA is still the result.

The newspaper reported that 36 food items identified by Dr. Ames contribute to prolonging life and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:

Vitamin A: Protects against: blindness, certain cancers, acne and osteoporosis. They are found in: liver, fish oils, milk, eggs and orange vegetables such as sweet potatoes and carrots.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine): protects against: nerve, muscle and heart damage, present in: beef, liver, nuts, oats, oranges, eggs, seeds and peas.

– Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin): protects against: cataracts, heart disease and migraines, present in: red meat, almonds, dairy products, eggs, fish and green leafy vegetables such as turnips and spinach.

Vitamin B-6: Protects against: heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer's disease, present in poultry, fish, bread, eggs and vegetables.

Vitamin B-12: Protects Against: Anemia, found in: Products of animal origin, including meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products and grains.

– Biotin: Protects against: Multiple sclerosis, present in: egg yolks, almonds, cauliflower, cheese, mushrooms, sweet potatoes and spinach.

Vitamin C, protects against: heart disease, osteoporosis, amygdala and scurvy, found in: All fruits and vegetables, especially cauliflower.

-Collins, protects against diseases of the liver, brain, muscles and nervous system damage, present in: liver, salmon, chickpeas, eggs and turkeys.

Vitamin E: Protects against infections of the skin, heart and eyes.It is found in: vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and green leafy vegetables.

– Folic acid: Protects against: Spina bifida in newborns, when they are eaten early in pregnancy and some types of cancer and anemia, are present in: green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, beans, bread and fortified cereals.

-Naysin: protects against: heart disease, brain damage, arthritis, liver, chicken, tuna, turkey, salmon, anchovies, pork and beef.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenate): Protects against hyperactivity and deficit of attention, arthritis, allergies, hair loss, asthma and colitis, present in: mushrooms, fish, avocados, eggs, chicken, beef, pork and sunflower seeds.

– Calcium: protects against: bone damage, certain cancers and diabetes, present in: dairy products, green leafy vegetables, soy, tofu and large fish, such as sardines and fortified products such as bread and soy beverages.

– Chloride: protects against: dangerous blood pressure levels and weak nerve signals, present in: salt, algae, gador, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, olives.

– Chrome: Protects against: Diabetes, found in vegetables, whole grains, beef, poultry and dairy products.

Cobalt: Protects against: nerve damage, present in fish, nuts, cereals and green leafy vegetables.

-Cuivre: protects against: lesions of nerve cells, present in: oysters, whole grains, beans, nuts, potatoes, kidneys and liver.

-Eyood: protects against: bone damage and immune imbalance, present in: algae, cod, dairy products, shrimp, tuna, eggs and plums.

Iron: protects against: low levels of oxygen in the body, present in: red meat, oysters, spinach, liver, lentils, pumpkin seeds, quinoa and turkeys.

-Molybdenum: protects against: oesophageal cancer, liver diseases, yeast infections and allergies, present in: peas, lentils, beans, nuts, soy, dairy products, eggs, whole grains.

– Phosphorus: Protects against: Arthritis, osteoporosis and cognitive decline, present in: milk, meat, beans, lentils and nuts.

Potassium: protects against: strokes, osteoporosis and kidney stones, present in sweet potatoes, yogurt and halibut.

-Sodium: Protects against muscle and nerve damage, present in: salt, smoked meat.

-Crit: protects against: bacterial infection and acne, present in: seafood, eggs, liver, kidneys, nuts and dairy products.

Zinc: protects against: bleeding, weakness of the immune system and thyroid problems, present in: seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds.

– Vitamin K: Protects against: heart disease, osteoporosis and cognitive decline, present in: parsley, spinach, grapes and eggs.

-Silenium: Protects against: heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, strokes and some cancers, especially in nuts, sunflower seeds, chicken, eggs and sardines from Brazil.

Vitamin D protects against: rickets (known as lynx bones in adults), certain types of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and loss of consciousness, present in: sun rays and fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines and mackerel.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Protects Against: Heart Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Depression, Present in: Oily Fish.

-Magnesium: protects against: cancer, especially lungs, heart disease and stroke, present in: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

-Collins: Protects against: cognitive decline, found in: liver, peanuts, red meat, poultry, fish, noodles, noodles, rice.

-Torine: protects against: heart disease, cognitive decline, diabetes and mitochondrial diseases (centers of cellular power) that can cause brain damage, present in: fish and other seafood, seaweed, eggs and brown meat of poultry.

Ergothionine: Protects against: heart disease, brain and eye damage, found in: mushrooms, meat, poultry and kidney beans.

-Caionine: Protects against: multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, autism and bipolar depression, present in: tomatoes, wheat, coconut water and dairy products.

Carotenoids: Carotenoids are antioxidants produced by plants and include:
Alpha and beta carotene
Beta – cryptosanthine

Protects against: blindness, cognitive deterioration, heart disease, various cancers, high blood pressure, hearing loss, inflammation and immune system damage, present in: Fruits and Vegetables .

Source: News from the sky

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