Warning of a lethal risk that surpasses cancer and diabetes!


The health

Warning of a lethal risk that surpasses cancer and diabetes!


Warning of a lethal risk that surpasses cancer and diabetes!

Experts have warned that supercell bacteria are more dangerous to human life than cancer and diabetes by 2050, unless a cure for antibiotic-resistant creatures is developed.

Experienced doctors have suggested that routine hospital operations can become very dangerous if the usual medications become ineffective. They fear the worsening of the antibiotic crisis, with the growing fear that the drugs will lose their effect and will not be able to cure many injuries.

The report of the UK House of Commons Special Committee on Health and Social Welfare states that the government has not done enough to combat antimicrobial resistance.

Cancer patients often rely on antimicrobial drugs to protect themselves because the immune system is weakened by chemotherapy. However, the report warns that patients may soon be faced with difficult decisions about whether they will continue to treat cancer or to undergo surgery because the risk of dying from a microbial infection may outweigh the benefits of treatment.

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Despite growing threats, no new class of antibiotics has been developed for decades and research is declining because it is not profitable for pharmaceutical companies.

The report suggests that new ways are needed to fund potential treatments, to make them attractive to pharmaceutical companies. This could involve changes in patent law as well as ways in which pharmaceutical companies pay for antimicrobial drugs.

The report found that digital health tools for physicians and policymakers could significantly reduce the risk of antimicrobial resistance, but pointed out that there is a significant difference in instrument assimilation.

Strains of drug-resistant bacteria are estimated to be responsible for 5,000 deaths per year in Britain and 25,000 cases per year in Europe. But experts say that the number of victims could reach 10 million people a year in the world, over the next 30 years.

Source: Daily Mail

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