Warning signs on the complications of pregnancy


Dieting and Dieting: Early Detection of Health Problems Medical intervention is often facilitated to prevent complications of pregnancy. You should therefore monitor changes in your body since the beginning of the 9-month trip. Here are some warning signs that should be well listened to during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy:

Hyperglycemia during pregnancy A sign that requires good levels of control

Contractions. If the contractions are normal, that's not a problem, it's part of the pregnancy, especially as the date of birth approaches. But some of these contractions are painful, not common. In other words, if you experience contractions more than 6 times per hour, this may be a sign of an early birth.

bleeding. Simple discharge during pregnancy is normal, but heavy bleeding, similar to or greater than menstrual bleeding, can be a dangerous sign, and the doctor should be checked immediately when it occurs.

Bag of water. If you feel the flow of amniotic fluid before birth, it means a sign of risk that threatens the life of the fetus or leads to its birth before the end of growth. Medical attention should be sought immediately in this case. Sugar Hyperglycemia during pregnancy is a sign that requires good blood level control. There are serious complications that can occur if you do not adjust the sugar level, and if there is an increase in sugar over the border you should inform your doctor immediately.

Children's movement. By the 28th week, most children are as active as mothers. Therefore, if you notice that the child's movement has stopped or slowed down, you must inform the doctor immediately.There are medical instructions that you must do at home immediately before doing any medical intervention.

Pain. Pains are part of the pregnancy journey, but severe abdominal pain is a sign of danger requiring urgent medical help.

Source: 24.ae

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