What are the causes of high blood pressure in children and its health complications? | Electronic newspaper


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Some children of all ages are exposed to high blood pressure, which is due to various health reasons requiring medical examinations and treatment in order to avoid serious health complications.

That is why we will learn in the next few lines the most important information about hypertension in children, according to the website "mayoclinic".

When should I go to the doctor?

If the child has no health problem, he may not need to go to the doctor, but his blood pressure will need to be checked during routine examinations at from 3 years old and at any time if the child has high blood pressure.

In case of premature birth, low birth weight, congenital heart disease and certain kidney problems, blood pressure tests should be performed during childhood.

Causes of high blood pressure in children

High blood pressure in young children is associated with health problems such as congenital heart defects, kidney disease, genetic diseases or hormonal disorders, as well as in older children, especially those who have sex with children. # 39; overweight.

Other factors play a role in arterial hypertension in children, such as hereditary factors or poor nutrition.


Hypertension occurs in children aged 6 years and older, due to several factors, including:

– obesity.

– genetic factors.

– Type 2 diabetes or high blood sugar.

High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides

Secondary hypertension.

Secondary hypertension is due to certain diseases, such as:

– Chronic kidney disease.

– Polycystic kidney.

– Heart problems.

Adrenal gland disorders.

L & # 39; hyperthyroidism.

Sleeping troubles.

Health complications of high blood pressure

Lack of interest in the treatment of hypertension leads to health complications, including:

– stroke

– heart attack.

Heart failure.

Prevention methods

High blood pressure can be controlled through periodic blood pressure examinations, a healthy diet, commitment to treat diseases that cause high blood pressure, to control the weight of the child, to l & # 39; exercise.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

Normal blood pressure in the child varies by sex, age and size. Therefore, hypertension in the 4-year-old boy may be normal for a 10-year-old child. This difference is observed by the doctor during the blood pressure test.

If the child suffers from other health problems, tests must be carried out to check his state of health:

– Blood test to check blood sugar, kidney function and blood cells.

– urine sample test.

– Echocardiography, a test to check the blood flow of the heart of the child.

– ultrasound of the kidneys of the child.

Depending on the medical examination and the state of health of the child, the doctor describes the appropriate treatment.

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