What are the chances of pregnancy failure? United Arab Emirates


November 14 was chosen as World Diabetes Day because it coincided with the world's birthday, Frederick Pantage, who had led in 1922 a research team on the possibility of making insulin. The World Diabetes Day campaign began in 1991 and is becoming increasingly important given the unprecedented prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes, making it one of the most important health events in the world.

If the pregnant woman can not adjust the sugar, the development of the fetus can be altered, affecting the heart, brain, kidneys, spine or respiratory tract.

Diabetes and the chances of a successful pregnancy:

L & # 39; hyperthyroidism. Due to the high blood sugar content of pregnant hyper-growth in the child's body, this affects the chances of natural childbirth, and adds difficulties in the way of the child. Delivery by caesarean section.

Hypoglycemia. The high level of insulin in the blood when trying to control sugar in pregnant women has the effect of sometimes reducing it more than necessary, which affects the process of development of the fetus.

High pressure rack. This condition affects type 1 diabetes, usually occurs during the 20th week of pregnancy and can damage the liver or kidneys of the fetus.

Growth abnormalities. If the pregnant woman can not adjust the sugar during pregnancy, the fetus may develop abnormalities affecting the heart, brain, kidneys, spine or respiratory tract.

L & # 39; abortion. The risk of miscarriage in a pregnant woman increases during the 20th week if she can not control her blood sugar. In addition, it is possible that early abortion after fertilization is possible due to the inability of the uterus to receive the fertilized egg.

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