What is canola oil and what are its benefits for infants?


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What is canola oil and what are its benefits for infants?

01:00 AM Monday, July 23, 2018


A Study New research suggests that breastfeeding mothers to supplement canola oil provide their babies with beneficial fats for their body.

The study conducted by researchers at the University of Tottingham included 13 eunuchs with twins, five of whom were fed with fiber throughout the lactation period, while dietary supplements of canola were added to the rest of the ewes. According to the British Daily Mail, a week after birth and analysis of neonatal tissue, researchers found that the oil extracted from canola seeds promotes the production of brown fat that breaks down to produce heat and heat in newborns and stabilize the sugar level. In the blood. "The results of this study are a new way to demonstrate the ability of fat to produce heat and to determine how to modify this process through the diet," he said. "This means that energy can be produced from brown fat is used to store more white fat related to weight gain.

The researchers also confirmed that canola oil may have the same effect in humans as sheep, which can be taken by breastfeeding mothers to improve the health of their children.

Additional research in this area can help fight childhood obesity.

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