What is the secret relationship between obesity and cancer?


Posted in:
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 – 10:34 pm
| Last update:
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 – 10:34 pm

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Scientists have discovered a new discovery that could explain the relationship between obesity and cancer, scientists said.

A team at Trinity College Dublin explained that fat disrupts the work of body cells responsible for the destruction of cancerous tissue.

Obesity is one of the leading causes of cancer that can be overcome in Britain after smoking, according to the British Center for Cancer Research.

Obesity is at the origin of at least one of 20 cancer cases in Britain.

According to the study, published in the journal Nature Nature, the research team was able to determine how fat disrupts the work of cells facing cancer.

The researchers expressed the hope of a reliable drug to renew cancer cells.


"A compound capable of preventing the uptake of fat into the killer cells of cancer cells could have some benefits," said university professor Lydia Lynch.

"We conducted a laboratory experiment that indicated that these cells could be restored" again.

"Weight loss can be a better way because it's usually healthier," she said.

"Although we know that obesity is the cause of 13 types of cancer, we still can not understand the relationship between cancer and cancer," said Leo Carlin of the Bateson Cancer Research Center.

"This study reveals how lipid molecules can prevent cells from playing their role in the destruction of cancerous tissues, and also provides us with ways to continue experimenting with new treatments," he said.

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