Some diseases do not need to consult the doctor "Only interaction with the indicators"
Some diseases that affect the man do not need to consult the doctor, but only to meet the need of the body, which provides a lot of indicators and signs of …
Body Indicators
According to the website "Euro News", the human body gives a lot of indicators and d & # … 39 translated information in the form of symptoms indicating the occurrence of a defect in one of its vital functions, which results in some diseases Most of these diseases occur due to lack of nutrients and of vitamins in the body.
Stress and the desire to sleep
Experts say that vitamin D is one of the most common vitamins that cause many diseases, and can be (19659003) According to a study published in 2011 in Research Research magazine, about 1 billion people worldwide do not get adequate amounts of vitamin D, D) needed to build strong bones because it helps the body absorb calcium. It also plays an important role in the growth of healthy cells, but also reduces pathogenic infections, according to the National Institutes of Health. The most important symptom of vitamin D deficiency is the feeling of depression: a lot of research has linked to vitamin D deficiency, particularly with regard to seasonal affective disorder, according to the medical and medical website American
1965) Dr. Michael Holick of the Boston University Medical Center warns against neglecting the treatment of vitamin D deficiency. This may result in "an increase of one hour and half of the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. He said that dementia and some cancers, and many other health problems,
Head Itch
says Some people think that the constant desire for itching is due to the presence of the crust, but this can be due to the deficiency of some essential fatty acids in the body, like ALA omega-3 and alpha-linolenic, according to Stacy Small, a researcher at the Wellness Philosophy Center in Indiana. To get these acids, take oily fish twice a week, as well as nuts and linens, according to Small, in an interview with the Reders Digest website.
* Red spots on the skin
If you find small spots on your arms, this is a disease called cornea. Experts attributed the cause to the lack of vitamin A and zinc. According to the CDC, about 17.3% of the world's population is at risk of zinc deficiency, while one in three and one in six pregnant women suffer from vitamin A deficiency and sources of Vitamin A sweet potatoes (19659003) White or weak hair
If you suddenly notice the appearance of white or even gray hairs, this may be due to the lack of copper levels in the white meat, like chicken, chickpeas and pumpkin seeds. Body Copper plays an important role in the production of melanin, which gives color to the hair: the lower the rate, the greater the chances of losing their natural color and turning them into gray or white. Experts advise to check copper levels in the body in the case of an early shib without history of heredity, and can eat mushrooms (mushrooms) and shellfish and canned oysters are all from good sources, as confirmed by the experts. For fragile hair loss, iron deficiency and low levels of vitamin B, such as biotin and folic acid, can be caused by: beef, beans, lentils and spinach, depending on the site itself
12) The incidence of mouth ulcers that are painful and disturbing. Experts believe that this is not necessarily the only reason, but should see the doctor if they continue for long periods or intermittent periods. In the meantime, experts recommend increasing vitamin B12, by eating red meat, poultry, eggs and soy milk, all good sources of this vital vitamin, according to the US Health website . Do not forget to consult your doctor promptly if any of the above symptoms appear.There may be other reasons.It requires treatment as recommended by your doctor.
"When the body speaks." 6 signs that reveal your need for vitamins
Some human diseases do not need to go to the doctor, but only to meet the body's needs , which provides a lot of indicators and signs of imbalance what .. American experts explain
Body Indicators
According to the website "Euro News", gives the human body a lot of indicators and Information translated in the form of symptoms indicating a defect in one of its vital functions, resulting in the incidence of certain diseases. Most of these diseases occur because of the lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body.
Stress and the desire to sleep
Experts say that vitamin D is one of the most common vitamins that cause many diseases, and can be (19659003) According to a study published in 2011 in Research Research magazine, about 1 billion people worldwide do not get adequate amounts of vitamin D, D) needed to build strong bones because it helps the body absorb calcium. It also plays an important role in the growth of healthy cells, but also reduces pathogenic infections, according to the National Institutes of Health. The most important symptom of vitamin D deficiency is the feeling of depression: a lot of research has linked to vitamin D deficiency, particularly with regard to seasonal affective disorder, according to the medical and medical website American
1965) Dr. Michael Holick of the Boston University Medical Center warns against neglecting the treatment of vitamin D deficiency. This may result in "an increase of one hour and half of the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. He said that dementia and some cancers, and many other health problems,
Head Itch
says Some people think that the constant desire for itching is due to the presence of the crust, but this can be due to the deficiency of some essential fatty acids in the body, like ALA omega-3 and alpha-linolenic, according to Stacy Small, a researcher at the Wellness Philosophy Center in Indiana. To get these acids, take oily fish twice a week, as well as nuts and linens, according to Small, in an interview with the Reders Digest website.
* Red spots on the skin
If you find small spots on your arms, this is a disease called cornea. Experts attributed the cause to the lack of vitamin A and zinc. According to the CDC, about 17.3% of the world's population is at risk of zinc deficiency, while one in three and one in six pregnant women suffer from vitamin A deficiency and sources of Vitamin A sweet potatoes (19659003) White or weak hair
If you suddenly notice the appearance of white or even gray hairs, this may be due to the lack of copper levels in the white meat, like chicken, chickpeas and pumpkin seeds. Body Copper plays an important role in the production of melanin, which gives color to the hair: the lower the rate, the greater the chances of losing their natural color and turning them into gray or white. Experts advise to check copper levels in the body in the case of an early shib without history of heredity, and can eat mushrooms (mushrooms) and shellfish and canned oysters are all from good sources, as confirmed by the experts. For fragile hair loss, iron deficiency and low levels of vitamin B, such as biotin and folic acid, can be caused by: beef, beans, lentils and spinach, depending on the site itself
12) The incidence of mouth ulcers that are painful and disturbing. Experts believe that this is not necessarily the only reason, but should see the doctor if they continue for long periods or intermittent periods. In the meantime, experts recommend increasing vitamin B12, by eating red meat, poultry, eggs and soy milk, all good sources of this vital vitamin, according to the US Health website . Be sure to consult your doctor promptly if any of the above symptoms occur.There may be other reasons for this, requiring treatment as recommended by your doctor.
July 15, 2018 – 2 Zul-Qadah 1439
09:02 AM
Some diseases do not need to be visited by a doctor. "Only interaction with the indicators"

Some human diseases do not need to be visited by the doctor, but only to meet the body's needs.
Body Indicators
According to the website "Euro News", gives the human body a lot of indicators and information translated in the form of symptoms indicating a defect in one of its vital functions, this which causes the incidence of certain diseases. Most of these diseases occur because of the lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body.
Stress and the desire to sleep
Experts say that vitamin D is one of the most common vitamins that cause many diseases, and can be (19659003) According to a study published in 2011 in Research Research magazine, about 1 billion people worldwide do not get adequate amounts of vitamin D, D) needed to build strong bones because it helps the body absorb calcium. It also plays an important role in the growth of healthy cells, but also reduces pathogenic infections, according to the National Institutes of Health. The most important symptom of vitamin D deficiency is the feeling of depression: a lot of research has linked to vitamin D deficiency, particularly with regard to seasonal affective disorder, according to the medical and medical website American
1965) Dr. Michael Holick of the Boston University Medical Center warns against neglecting the treatment of vitamin D deficiency. This may result in "an increase of one hour and half of the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. He said that dementia and some cancers, and many other health problems,
Head Itch
says Some people think that the constant desire for itching is due to the presence of the crust, but this can be due to the deficiency of some essential fatty acids in the body, like ALA omega-3 and alpha-linolenic, according to Stacy Small, a researcher at the Wellness Philosophy Center in Indiana. To get these acids, take oily fish twice a week, as well as nuts and linens, according to Small, in an interview with the Reders Digest website.
* Red spots on the skin
If you find small spots on your arms, this is a disease called cornea. Experts attributed the cause to the lack of vitamin A and zinc. According to the CDC, about 17.3% of the world's population is at risk of zinc deficiency, while one in three and one in six pregnant women suffer from vitamin A deficiency and sources of Vitamin A sweet potatoes (19659003) White or weak hair
If you suddenly notice the appearance of white or even gray hairs, this may be due to the lack of copper levels in the white meat, like chicken, chickpeas and pumpkin seeds. Body Copper plays an important role in the production of melanin, which gives color to the hair: the lower the rate, the greater the chances of losing their natural color and turning them into gray or white. Experts advise to check copper levels in the body in the case of an early shib without history of heredity, and can eat mushrooms (mushrooms) and shellfish and canned oysters are all from good sources, as confirmed by the experts. For fragile hair loss, iron deficiency and low levels of vitamin B, such as biotin and folic acid, can be caused by: beef, beans, lentils and spinach, depending on the site itself
12) The incidence of mouth ulcers that are painful and disturbing. Experts believe that this is not necessarily the only reason, but should see the doctor if they continue for long periods or intermittent periods. In the meantime, experts recommend increasing vitamin B12, by eating red meat, poultry, eggs and soy milk, all good sources of this vital vitamin, according to the US Health website . Be sure to consult your doctor promptly if any of the above symptoms occur.There may be other reasons for this, requiring treatment as recommended by your doctor.
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