Why do not we know a lot about migraine?


  In the 19th century, doctors believed that the weak mental powers of women behind migraines

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Migraine or "migraine" affects one in five women, The second is among diseases that prevent the patient from exercising his normal life, compared to the number of years adjusted by disability and disability. However, the disease has not respected its right to research and study, and some specialists do not recognize it as a true neurological disease.

My first migraine attack occurred one evening after my return from school. It was a normal headache at first, then an intense pain like a hardening of the head and the light of the room hurt me, then nausea started and vomited.

This attack has come back several times in recent years and I had to quit my job

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Sorority is usually classified as' headache '. But the usual headache can be controlled with one tablet or two paracetamol tablets, while a sister is severe head pain, sometimes so severe that the patient is debilitating and disrupted.

Doctors have not yet found a clear cause for the sister, this may be due to hormonal changes or abnormal brain activity, so there is no treatment for it. eliminate or reduce long-term migraine attacks.

195 countries reported the global burden of the disease, until migraine attacks ranked second among the diseases that prevent patients from performing their normal daily activities in relation to the number of of years adjusted for disability or disability.

Migraine attacks have also overshadowed the economy: the total number of days of absence in the UK due to migraines has been estimated at 25 million days per year.

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Unlike habitual headaches, migraine is an intense pain that causes blurred vision and vomiting.

Migraine, despite its heavy economic and health burden, remains one of the few diseases that fund its treatments worldwide.

This disorder is also more prevalent among women: one in five women, and in April 2018, an Arizona university conducted a study on mice half of which were composed of males and females. women and found that the cause of migraine in women could be caused by high levels of estrogen and low ratios. Sodium carriers and NHE1 protons, which regulate the transport of protons and sodium ions across membranes.

If the levels of these vectors decrease, the pain signals sent by the body to the brain will increase. "According to the results of the study, women are more likely to develop migraines because of the increase in female hormonal disorders, and these changes affect sodium and sodium proton ions," says Emily Galloway, researcher at the study.

The best among disease research and funding, statistics indicate that sister disease, despite heavy economic losses, remains the least funding among neurological diseases in Europe.

In the United States, spending on asthma research is 13 times the amount spent on migraine and 50 times more than the amount spent on migraines, although it affects 15% of the total. population. Nobody denies, of course, that asthma and diabetes are deadly diseases.

As with all health care research, most migraine research has been conducted in male animals, although migraines are more common in women. Migraine research is a general trend in health care to minimize patient pain.

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Migraine affects one in five women and one in fifteen men

History of Migraine

This pulsatile headache is one of the oldest diseases ever recorded by humans. Ancient Egyptian manuscripts dating back to 1200 BC J.-C. describe in detail migraines. Hippocrates also wrote about visual disturbances and vomiting, a symptom that usually accompanies migraines.

The migraine of the Greek physician Aretaius of Cappadocia, accurately described in the 2nd century AD, is associated with migraines concentrated on one side of the head. The treatment of migraines and its causes has been historically associated with many myths and witchcraft. Many methods of treating migraine in the Middle Ages have not been scientifically proven, from treatment with phlegm, cupping and magic to the Introduction of a clove of garlic in the temple.

Some medical experts have recommended turbulence, namely drilling holes in the skull to treat migraines. This horrible process was generally used to chase the evil spirits of people most likely to suffer from mental illness, but this could be the beginning of a link between migraines and the brain.

Doctors first noted that migraines are more common in women than in men. . They thought that the brain was at the origin of the disease, describing it as a disorder of "lower-class mothers", because their minds were weakened by daily work, lack of sleep, breastfeeding maternal and malnutrition. "There has been a long history of migraines being considered a disease of educated men and women of the upper class," says Joanna Kempner, an associate professor of psychology at Rutgers University in the United States. It is thought that the neural nerves come from people who have grown up "In these environments, men at least help to access the horizons of science and the arts."

"People thought at the time that women were less able than men to work intellectually and creatively." Image Source

Image Caption [19659016] The first to describe the migraine pain that is concentrated in one side of the head is a Greek doctor

The American neurologist Harold Wolfe, one of the greatest researchers of modern headache, distinguished between men with migraines and their female counterparts. He saw men as ambitious and successful and not only suffered from migraine because of fatigue, while women suffered from migraines because they did not accept their role in society, especially their hatred of intimacy.

The relationship between brain and headache

No one denies that headache disorder is related to mental health. Several studies have confirmed a link between migraines and a range of mental disorders.

A review of a group of studies in 2016 found that most people with bipolar emotional disorder had migraine headaches and that migraine headaches were twice as likely to develop a generalized anxiety disorder and three times more epileptic seizures

Another study found that about one in six migraine patients had committed suicide at one time or the other of their lives

but Dr. Massoud Ashena, professor of neurology and director of the Migraine Research Unit at Human Beings of Headache. Danish says: "No n" Migraine is a widespread disorder, so the likelihood of this disorder and other psychiatric illnesses is also high. "

However, migraine sufferers can certainly deteriorate Mental Health

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In the 19th century, doctors thought that women's weak mental powers and the paper of their nervous system were the cause of migraines
"It's not surprising that anxiety levels in a person who does not know when she will be affected by migraines increase and interfere with the burdens of family and work," says Esme Fuller Thompson, Director of the Institute for Life and Aging at the University of Toronto. The disability and impairment associated with migraines worsen the symptoms of depression. However, in the eyes of many neuroscientists and members of society, Achina said, migraine disorder is still a benign disease. "But if you look at the implications of this disorder on the patient's life and society as a whole, migraine is a serious problem."

Amel Starling, an associate professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona, says some specialists do not rank headaches as neuralgia haemorrhagic. [65] Prejudice against women is perhaps one of the reasons why it is difficult to obtain funding for research on a more prevalent disorder in women. Women suffer from convincing doctors that their pain is not imaginary, and increase the proportion of error in the diagnosis of their cases compared to men.

Current case

Experts say the size of migraine sufferers can make specialists more aware of the disease. "The headache is the most common symptom in neurology department patients and the least used in literature and neurosurgery, which means that trained doctors do not know much about it."

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Migraine sufferers are more likely to develop depression, anxiety, and suicide
A new treatment should soon reduce migraines, a medicine called ernomab, taken once a month, and blocks the receptor-associated calcitonin in the brain, which is known to stimulate migraine attacks.

In May 2018, the US Food and Drug Administration approved another drug targeting the same receptor in the brain.

Starling says, "This new drug is specifically designed to target migraines, which increases its effectiveness in the treatment of the disease." Side Effects. "

A doctor has already described me as beta -blockers for migraines.Physicians have discovered that beta-blockers, prescribed for the treatment of angina and hypertension, also prevent migraines.

Beta-blockers, although effective in the treatment of migraines, cause many side effects, starting with

Modern electrical and magnetic devices have also emerged, including portable devices that send Magnetic impulses to the brain to modify the electrical environment of nerve fibers and reduce their excessive response to stimuli.

Six months later, during which I only suffered from one migraine, I now try to reduce the doses of beta-blockers and stop them completely. I was taken to the hospital two months ago after doctors suspected a heart attack.

Fortunately, it was a false alarm, but it alerted me to the importance of a migraine treatment that does not affect other body members. Maybe this new drug soon helps in eliminating the pain of migraine patients.

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