Working 45 hours a week increases the risk of girls becoming seriously ill!


According to RT Arabic (Russia Today), the Al Wasat newspaper site, which contains 45 hours of work per week, increases the risk of serious injury to girls. NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Working at least 45 hours a week increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in girls, but protects young people against the disease, according to a new study.

The Canadian study, which covered 7065 workers aged 35 to 74 over 12 years, is the first to study the impact of working time on diabetes risk with the participation of 39, a large number of people.

The study examined the information of participants taking into account other factors, including age, sex, race, social status and other information. on the work, its nature and the style of the newspaper.

Type 2 diabetes was developed over 10 years in 10% of participants Although young, obese and elderly people were among the most diagnosed, young people were rarely associated with the disease, those who work longer hours say that they have a significant risk.

Among women, those who worked 45 hours or more per week were 63% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who worked between 35 and 40 hours per week.

The next step will examine the effect of long hours of work, as well as chores, on pushing girls to drink, smoke and eat too much, said Dr. Mahi Gilbert-Omit, principal investigator at the study.

Source: Daily Mail

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Source: RT Arabic (Russia Today)

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