You may be deficient in protein without learning !!


Although many people have consumed more of these nutrients in recent years, new research suggests that over 90% of us do not know how much we really need what. [إنترنت]

Many people try to get rid of their excess weight by avoiding carbohydrates, while others eat low fat diets, but the really essential nutrients are protein.

Proteins are essential for muscle growth and muscle growth, but while many people have consumed more of these nutrients in recent years, new research suggests that over 90% of us do not know how much protein we actually need daily.

British nutrition experts May Simpkin and Rick Ree reveal the seven signs that warn you about the lack of protein in your body:

1. Poor concentration:

The lack of protein in the body leads to poor concentration and mood disorders because all neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine are all made up of proteins.

2 – The lack of sleep:

If you can not sleep, this may be due to lack of protein in your body, which affects the production of hormones and leads to imbalance, which affects sleep.

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps to stimulate sleep. Eating a little protein before bed can help improve its quality.

Tryptophan can be found in protein foods such as seeds, nuts, turkeys, certain types of cheese, beans, lentils and eggs.

3 – thirst for salty foods or sugars:

Protein helps to slow the secretion of sugars in the blood, thus preserving the balance of sugars in the blood.A diet low in protein and high in carbohydrates quickly releases sugars into the blood. Once insulin is released to eliminate sugars, you will feel a strong desire to eat them. Glycemia quickly.

4- Weakness of the immune system:

Your persistent infection is an indicator of protein deficiency. All immune cells are made up of proteins. Without enough protein, immune cells can not recover and reproduce quickly enough to fight the bacteria that attack the body.

5 – feeling nervous:

A protein deficiency can lead to the secretion of stress hormones and increased breaks in muscles and tissues.It is important to note that it can be due to a physical stress due to "excessive exercise" or emotional stress.

6 – flaccid muscle:

If you do not consume enough protein, your body will have no choice but to break a muscle to make sure it meets its needs. The effect will be obvious if you are exercising, which will cause a loss of muscle strength and a decrease in muscle mass. Your body will take longer to recover from an injury and muscle and joint pain may also increase.

7- hair loss:

It may not be dangerous, but if your hair is falling, if your skin is short and your nails are fragile and fragile, they are signs of protein deficiency because the body is unable to renew and replace the dead cells.

How much protein do we need?

According to the recommendations of the British Health Service, it is advisable to consume 0.8 grams per kilogram of protein body weight, the average activity that can consume about 46 grams of protein per day for women, against 56 grams for men. Fish, poultry and eggs, as well as plant sources that will provide all the essential amino acids that your body needs to function well.

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