Your health in the recipe .. Almond to sleep quietly


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Cairo – By Mohamed Salah – Wednesday, 24 October 2018 08:24 – Do you want to sleep enough? Do you want a good sleep? If your answer is yes, you should read this next report, which provides you with a type of food that contributes to a peaceful sleep.

According to the report,health lineHe stressed the need to eat foods that are not high in fat, to sleep peacefully and to get enough sleep without feeling anxious, and so on.


The report recommends that the need to eat almonds before sleep be rich in phosphorus, ginsem and antioxidants. It is one of the best types of peanuts protecting the body against diabetes and heart disease because it contains a high percentage of fiber and antioxidants.

Almonds contain melatonin, a hormone responsible for sleep and also known as the regulator of hypnosis, which places it at the top of the best foods for a peaceful sleep, according to the report released.

The report recommended that you eat a small handful of almonds before sleeping for 3 hours, with a glass of milk, and you will get a comfortable and good sleep.

Thank you for reading the news of your health in the recipe .. Almonds to sleep quietly on the Gulf 365 and inform you that the content of the subject was written on the seventh day and that it may have been fully transmitted or quoted from him. For the content of this news with best wishes for Happy Day.

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