Your health in the recipe .. Honey and lavender oil to treat burns


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The latest health news where burns are skin lesions caused by contact or exposure to a risk factor, such as heat, cold, electricity, sun or certain chemicals , the skin loses its natural ability to regenerate Lavender oil for the treatment of burns, according to the site "No to health"He said.

Lavender oil
Lavender oil

Lavender oil, which has the properties of a disinfectant and an analgesic for burns.

Lavender oil recipe


A cup of lavender oil (250 ml)

Prescribing method

– Put oil on the burned area without covering the skin.

– Reuse the oil throughout the day.


Honey recipe for burns

Honey cleanses wounds and burns, extracts liquid honey from the tissues and cleans the burned area, as it moisturizes and helps regenerate the skin.


1 cup of honey (250 ml)

– Put the honey on the burn and let it dry for a long time also, do not cover the wound with any cloth.

This content (health: your health in the recipe .. lavender oil and honey for the treatment of burns) transmitted by the search engine Egypt 24 and transferred as is to the source (the seventh day of health), and not not reflect the view of the site nor the release policy, but is the responsibility of the press and the publisher's health The original is the seventh day of health.

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