Your health in the recipe .. Honey, lemon and garlic to treat the germs of the stomach


The stomach germ is one of the most common types of bacteria that enter the stomach and cause many damage, including inflammation and ulcers. For the treatment of gastric germ according to the site food.ndtv

First recipe "white honey"

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White honey contains a large proportion of vitamins and nutrients that help promote and protect the body Diseases By adding two notes of white honey to a glass of hot water and eating every morning.

Garlic is resistant to germs and bacteria as it improves the health of the body and protects against infections and viruses. , Eating cloves of garlic with a glass of water before bed.

The third prescription "lemon and vinegar"

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<p align= Where vinegar and lemon contain antibacterial and bactericidal substances, promote the health of the body and the immune system and protect against diseases, by placing lemon and vinegar on a salad or by eating a lemon juice. Apple cider vinegar every day

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