Uber has a solution for talkative pilots


This is one of the many new application preference options. On the other hand, if you wish to discuss a little during your trip, you can inform your driver in advance that you need to discuss. You will also be able to ask for help for your bags, your preferred temperature setting and a longer collection period of up to 15 minutes if you need a little more time for you. to prepare.

<img alt = "Uber Black Preferences" data-caption = "Uber Black Preferences" data-credit = "Engadget" data-credit-link-back = "" Data-Dam-Provider = "Engadget" data-local-id = "local- 2-483908-1557851393073" data-media-id = "6a735efe-2ddb-4e38-b4b3-16e091a2be99" data-original-url = "https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-uploaded-images / 2019- 05 / 4f445930-7663-11e9-bffd-200fa70d1692 "data-title =" Uber Black Preferences "src =" https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?crop=506%2C369%2C0%2C331 % 2C331 & quality = 85 & format = jpg

In addition, the application offers 24/7 access to premium customer support. Uber also wants to make sure that Uber Black drivers can expect a consistent level of quality from professional drivers (with commercial licenses) and their cars, who will have models, brands, similar interiors and exteriors.

It remains to be seen if you will get similar preference options when you hail from other types of cars in the future. You will enjoy these features from today in the United States. The new driver and vehicle requirements are in effect in most major US cities and others will follow.


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