UC Davis has alerted 200 people about the March 17 exposure to measles


Getting vaccinated can help prevent measles from spreading

As measles is still common in many countries, unvaccinated travelers carry measles in the United States and it can spread. But you can protect yourself, your family and your community with the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine.

As measles is still common in many countries, unvaccinated travelers carry measles in the United States and it can spread. But you can protect yourself, your family and your community with the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine.

UC Davis Health said Wednesday it sent about 200 letters to people likely to have been exposed to the highly contagious measles virus on March 17 at the UCD medical center's emergency. A girl in care was diagnosed with the disease.

UC's letter told recipients: "You will need to inform your primary care provider (s) and your child's provider (s) of this potential exposure to discuss your potential risk of infection, your history. vaccination and your other questions. "

A mother, Rayna Souza, told Fox News 40 that she was appalled that her son, Jackson, 7, was in the hospital emergency room at one o'clock in the morning. Calaveras who had been diagnosed with measles. Souza did not immediately respond to requests for interviews with The Bee, so it was not immediately clear if Jackson had been vaccinated against measles.

Dr. Dean Blumberg, Head of Infectious Diseases in Children at UC Davis Children's Hospital, issued a statement saying that UCD medical providers had assessed Jackson on Tuesday and he did not have the measles. No other case of measles has been treated at the Sacramento Hospital, he added.

As The Bee reported on March 26, UC Davis doctors diagnosed the Calaveras child after he was sent home from the Mark Twain Medical Center in San Andreas on March 14 and Sutter Amador Hospital in Jackson on March 16, by doctors who thought they had the flu or another. cold virus.

In the early stages, the measles virus is often mistaken for a respiratory disease, according to public health officials, and this is especially true during the flu season when many people come to emergency rooms and doctor's offices. Measles usually starts with a mild or moderate fever; cough; runny nose; and red and watery eyes. The telltale symptom of the disease is a red rash that eventually covers most of the body, but it does not appear until several days after the onset of symptoms.

If you have been exposed to measles or if you have traveled abroad and you have flu-like symptoms, doctors recommend that you call your health care provider and provide them with this information. . In this way, they said, staff can make arrangements to take you on a more isolated route.

The child had gone on a trip abroad, where she thought she was infected with the virus, said Dean Kelaita, health officer for Calaveras County, and returned to California via San Francisco International Airport. Kelaita said that the girl, of school age, had not been vaccinated against measles. This county has not reported any other cases related to this one.

By the way, Placer County Health officials recently announced that a family of three had also contracted measles after visiting someone from Butte County whom they later learned that he was suffering from the disease. Public health officials said none of the family members had been vaccinated against measles.

A member of the Placer County family went to the Auburn fitness and snowshoe club around 5:45 pm. March 18, before the diagnosis of measles. However, Placer County officials said Wednesday that their investigation had revealed no other case of measles. After learning that they were infected, the family remained isolated at home while fighting the disease.

Infected people may have measles up to five days before presenting with symptoms, but most people will begin to show it within 12 days. However, they can transmit the virus several days before the onset of symptoms. They do this by coughing molecules in the air or in their hands, where they can be spread to others. Medical officials say that the virus aggressively attacks the immune system and that exposure to a few droplets containing the virus can make people sick.

According to doctors, the measles vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent the disease. California law requires that students be vaccinated before entering school, unless the parents enjoy a medical exemption for their children. Measles can cause deafness and death.

Without vaccines, measles can be expensive to prevent and treat. This is because children – and even some adults – with the disease often have to be hospitalized and public health departments have to extract many staff members to identify and isolate those exposed to the virus.

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