UFO sightings: a scientist calculates the speed of UFOs filmed by the US Navy | Weird | New


Alien or not, UFOs fly through our skies and the US government has recognized it. On June 25, the US Pentagon released the results of its investigation into more than 100 unidentified aerial phenomena or PAN – military jargon for UFOs. Many of these UFO sightings have been made by US military personnel and have been leaked online over the years.

One of these sightings originated in 2016 and was only recognized by the Pentagon last year.

The video appeared to show US Navy pilots chasing a “strange craft” off the US east coast.

A pilot can be heard in the video shouting, “What the hell is this?”

The UFO was distinguished by its bizarre flight patterns, its “glowing aura” and its apparent disregard for the laws of physics.

Pilot Chad Underwood, who recorded the encounter from his Navy F-18 fighter jet, dubbed the UFO “Tic Tac”.

He said publicly that it was unlike anything he had ever seen in his life.

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In 2019, the pilot told New York Magazine’s Intelligencer, “He was just behaving in a way that is not physically normal. This is what caught my attention.

“They have to have a source of lift, a source of propulsion.”

The Tic Tac, as far as he could tell, did none of that and went from altitudes of several thousand feet to a few hundred “in seconds”, which the pilot claimed “n ‘ is not possible “.

But Tic Tac is not the only UFO that has defied all convention – it is one of the many objects reported and recorded over the years.

To better understand just how incredible these objects really are, a team of scientists have designed a tool to calculate their speeds.

The so-called UFO travel computer calculates UFO speeds by applying engineering and aeronautical principles to what could very well be “cutting edge technology.”

Hosted on the Omni Calculator Project, creator and mechanical engineer Rahul Singh Dhari told Express.co.uk that many of the characteristics of these UFOs cannot be replicated by our modern technology.

This does not mean that UFOs are extraterrestrials; after all, the Pentagon report found that at least one sighting could be explained by a balloon.

However, Mr. Dhari believes UFOs can be taken much more seriously if we look at them through the prism of science and engineering.

He said: “This calculator considers UFOs to be flying objects of advanced technology and takes them from the point of view of design engineering.

“As with our modern airplanes, I tried to design them from essential variables – like wing loading and thrust-to-weight ratio.

“Based on these parameters and some assumptions, we can try to estimate their speeds. “

You can visit the UFO Travel Calculator here, to see for yourself how fast these objects are traveling.

Using the tool, you can pit one of the many known UFO types against conventional propulsion systems like the RD-0146 rocket motor.

The flying saucer-shaped Tic Tac, for example, is estimated to weigh over 47,000 pounds (21,320 kg) with a wingspan of 44.6 feet (13.6 m).

Armed with a single engine of unknown origin, the spacecraft could reach speeds of over 11,800 mph.

At such speeds, a trip from London to San Francisco – 5,351 miles – would take only 27 minutes.

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For comparison, a regular passenger jet would take just under 11 hours to cover the trip.

A triangular-shaped UFO armed with a mysterious single engine, on the other hand, is estimated to reach a top speed of 5,196 mph.

This type of UFO would take about an hour to fly from London to San Francisco – 91 percent less time than a regular jet.

Mr. Dhari created the UFO Travel Calculator with his colleague, mathematician Dr Anna Sczepanek.

One of the main lessons of the project is that it would be almost impossible to recreate these mysterious craft and propulsion systems using the technology at our disposal.

According to Mr. Dhari, there are “several reasons” such as health and safety as well as the lack of powerful and durable engines.

He said: “I think the cost of developing and building something is high given that it needs a lot of new technology from a structural safety and propulsion point of view – especially from a propulsion point of view. view of travel flights: imagine piloting a much faster Concorde.

“The environmental impact must also be assessed: the climate crisis is becoming a massive factor even before such a project takes off from the drawing board.”

Regarding the Pentagon report, Dhari said it was revolutionary to see it released.

The released report contained only nine pages of a much more detailed and classified document.

But his arrival earlier this year was seen as a very big deal by those involved in the UFO community.

Even though U.S. intelligence agencies haven’t revealed the existence of extraterrestrials, some experts believe it’s telling that they haven’t ruled it out either. .

Dr Dhari and his colleagues, meanwhile, see the report as a good source of information and data for future research.

He said: “I find it intriguing to know what could come out of this.”


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