UK government funds COVID ‘vaccine passports’ just weeks after saying there is no plan for them news


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UNITED KINGDOM, Jan. 12, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – UK government funds trial of COVID-19 vaccination passports, less than a month after the government minister responsible for COVID-19 vaccines said: called vaccine passport And urged companies “not to even think about it”.

British newspaper The telegraph report that biometrics company iProov and cybersecurity company Mvine will provide thousands of Britons with a free app that will allow them to digitally prove that they have received a vaccine.

According to the report “[t]The trial will be overseen by two directors of public health ‘with funding of £ 75,000 from the government.

The report further states that the companies developing the passports claim that if successful, they could be “extended to millions of people.”

The telegraph The report notes “that the government contradicted itself on the use of vaccination passports”, citing contradictory statements from senior officials.

“In December, Michael Gove said they were ‘not the plan’, but Nadhim Zahawi, the minister responsible for vaccine deployment, said they were ‘reviewing the technology,’” the report notes.

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Gove, a senior government official and cabinet minister, said in an interview with Sky News in December that a vaccination passport was “not expected.”

“I certainly don’t plan to introduce vaccine passports and I don’t know anyone else in government,” Gove said.

Speaking On BBC Radio 4 at the end of November, Zahawi said that while the vaccine would not be mandatory, he expected immunity passports to be used, especially in businesses. “I think you will probably find that restaurants, bars, cinemas and other places, sports venues, will probably also use this system – as they did with the app. [NHS Track and Trace app]. “

“People must be allowed to decide for themselves whether they want to be vaccinated or not,” he told the BBC.

“But, I think the very strong message you will see is how we send the whole country back, and so it’s good for your family, it’s good for your community, it’s good for your country to be vaccinated. And, at the end of the day, people will have to make a decision, ”he continued.

“I think in many ways the pressure will come from both sides, from service providers who will say, ‘Look, show us you’ve been vaccinated.’ But we will also make the technology as easy and accessible as possible. “

Asked specifically about vaccine passports, Zahawi said the government is “looking at the technology.”

But during a December 14 parliamentary debate on whether restrictions would be placed on those who are not vaccinated against COVID-19, Zahawi went back on his previous comments and twice said the government did not ‘had “no intention of introducing a so-called passport for vaccines”.

Tying these passports to penalties for those who refuse a COVID-19 vaccine, Zahawi said: “While I know other countries may consider immunity passports in addition to vaccination, I am convinced that we don’t need to not penalize people who are not convinced.

During this debate, Zahawi joined other politicians present in denouncing mandatory vaccinations, describing them as “discriminatory and completely bogus”.

Zahawi also touched on the issue of vaccine cards, which must be issued to people after receiving the vaccine. Responding to concerns that these could indeed become vaccine passports, Zahawi said, “This does not constitute a so-called vaccine passport; nor can it be used as a means of identification. It would be absolutely wrong.

Yesterday the New York Post said Denmark is also in the process of developing a digital passport for vaccines.

Comment Of the prospect earlier this week, political cartoonist and lockout skeptic Bob Moran wrote: “Passport to Health. Vaccine certificate. Immunity card. Company license. Pass of freedom. Whatever their name, if you accept the concept, you will never be free again.

LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccine resource page.Watch it here.


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