UK Parliament says loot boxes must be regulated as gambling


It's again this time: Replay, where we find all the news of the week on games. We have surprise boxes, PewDiePie, and an old jewel coming back for the second time. Let's start.

UK Parliament thinks loot chests should be regulated as gambling

The saga of chests continues. This time, it is the Parliament that intervenes, the governing body of the UK publishing a report from its committee on digital, culture, media and sport on the issue of loot boxes in games and on the how they should be managed by regulators.

The big delivery? As many people have insisted for a moment, the report suggests that loot boxes – in which you spend money to have the chance to get something you want – are games of chance. And more specifically, as Rock Paper Shotgun explains, our committee believes that they should be governed by the UK gambling law, insofar as they constitute "gambling games played" to their true value ". If this regulation is applied, it could have enormous repercussions. We will follow this one.

PewDiePie tried to do a good thing. It did not go well

This whole story is a big mess. Do you remember PewDiePie, himself controversial about supporting anti-Semitic messages and other troubling topics? PewDiePie announced earlier this week that it would give $ 50,000 to the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit group that has long been fighting anti-Semitism and other forms of hate speech. .

And then, the next day, he canceled the donation. As reported by Kotaku, he explained that charity was not exactly what he thought of and was not a cause that he was passionate about. Kotaku also notes that many of his fans have started to spread conspiracy theories about the ADL, suggesting that the organization had somehow made PewDiePie sing. It is unclear whether these reasons are why YouTuber decided to resume donations. But it is clear that the whole situation is messy.

Control Announces downloadable content that may include a major crossover

Remedy Control This is one of my favorite games of the year, and several others come in the form of several major downloadable content packages (DLCs), including two updates of paid stories next year. It's nice but normally it would not be remarkable. What is remarkable is that Remedy may seize the opportunity to continue one of the most popular cult and classic game franchises of the modern era.

The promotional art of the second pay extension, called AWE, suggests that the game could be a cross with Remedy. Alan Wake. The game already contains several Easter eggs suggesting that it takes place in the same universe as Control, and this art (you can see here) includes visual features (lighting, flashlight) that immediately evoke the cover art of Alan Wake. And AWE, while in the game for a modified global event, could also represent Alan Wake expansion.

L & # 39; original Alan Wake the games were very popular, but Remedy canceled a sequel a few years ago. So, put this game in a crossover with your new game very successful, allowing you to continue your unfinished series via a Trojan? It's just the next level. We applaud you, Remedy.

Recommendation of the week: Ape Out of Gabe Cuzillo, on Nintendo Switch, PC

Some elegant drums and a very angry monkey. Ape Out is a game with a sweet action and convincing and bright colors, all centered on a very big unleashing. You are a monkey fighting against those who want to capture and profit from you. As a monkey, you can hit, throw and run. That's about it. But what else would a monkey need? To make the madness of destruction that would make Hulk jealous, of course! Animal rights have never been so exciting.

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