UK retailer slammed for expensive pricing for next-gen consoles


UK retailer criticized for expensive pricing for next-gen consoles

Look back to a few weeks ago and you might remember a story about UK retailer CEX reselling Xbox Series X consoles at a significantly higher price than the RRP – a practice that saw the company be criticized by customers and even some staff members according to a new Eurogamer report.

The report acknowledges that the biggest culprit is the PlayStation 5, which is sold for up to £ 815 by the retailer. The company is also paying £ 200 more than the suggested retail price to acquire the consoles from early adopters.

Here’s what a staff member had to say about Eurogamer’s decision:

“Obviously neither of us thinks it’s good. We’ve been told the price is so high to match eBay, but that’s when it was £ 750, it’s now even higher.

“CEX has the legal right to price whatever it wants, but morally I find it disgusting and I think they help keep the prices so high in a year where we could all use a little less shit . “

Interestingly, Eurogamer also notes that it saw an internal email about used Xbox Series X stock prices, which suggests angry customers should be told that the retailer’s prices (£ 690) are lower. at some exorbitant prices. on eBay, and that it also offers a 24 month warranty with these systems.

Apparently, the company has been able to instantly resell every X Series sold to them so far, and hundreds of additional customers have also expressed interest – so it looks like they’re doing pretty well!

What do you think of this practice? Give us your opinion in the comments below.


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