UK to impose quarantine on travelers who mix different vaccines


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The UK is taking a tough stance on how it views vaccinated travelers by forcing those who have mixed two different types of Covid-19 vaccines to quarantine themselves upon arrival. Not shy about updating their travel restrictions, the UK’s tough new rule was updated last week and could affect the travel plans of thousands of travelers across the EU and around the world.

UK to impose quarantine on travelers who mix different vaccines

The controversial new requirement differs significantly from other rules on the continent, with the European Medical Association promoting the idea to other European countries making official recommendations to their citizens to mix types of vaccines. Here’s a closer look at the rule change in the UK and what it means for travelers.

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New UK requirement – Travel information

At first glance, life in the UK seems to have returned to normal. Pubs and restaurants are open, the mask term is all but over, and football is now back with a big crowd. However, although its domestic restrictions may have been reduced, its restrictions for international travelers are still in place as the UK focuses on preventing the importation of new cases of Covid-19 from abroad – including updated requirements for vaccinated travelers and quarantine.

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On August 12, an update on the current UK entry restrictions was posted on the government website. The update served as an amendment to the UK definition of fully immunized. According to the UK government, to be fully vaccinated a traveler must have had two vaccines from the same brand, which means that those who have mixed two different types of vaccines – an act that is growing in popularity in some parts of the world – will not be not considered fully vaccinated in the UK.

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The update on the government website reads as follows:

Fully vaccinated ”means you must have received a last dose of an approved vaccine at least 14 full days before your arrival in England. The day you take your last dose does not count as one of the 14 days. If you have been vaccinated in 2 doses, it must be with the same approved vaccine (MHRA, EMA, Swissmedic or FDA). For example, if your first dose was Moderna, your second dose should also be Moderna.

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While the update is less likely to affect UK travelers returning to the UK due to the nature of their vaccination schedule, it will affect many on the continent who were planning to visit the UK, as will many countries – like Germany and its chancellor, Angela Merkel – made an official recommendation to its citizens to mix types of vaccines. Such practices have seen many follow their AstraZeneca injections with a dose of an mRNA vaccine, such as Pfizer or Moderna.

This means that those who have taken an inoculation course which has seen them mixing vaccine types will have to self-isolate in the UK for 10 days, as they will not be considered fully vaccinated. They will also have to pay for the tests on days 2 and 8 of their isolation.

Different EU countries are free to set their own entry requirements, the EMA only accepts specific types of vaccines. These are Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson. While it has not taken an official position on the mixture of vaccines, the EMA has described the first results as “positive”. Travel to the EU has also been made easier thanks to their vaccine passports, the EU’s Covid digital certificate. More information on this can be found here.

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