Unattractive consumer reports of misbehavior Navigating autopilot titles


Consumer reports does not seem very happy with all the misleading media coverage of his recent Tesla Navigate on autopilot test results.

The first Consumer reports The article is a bit critical of the Tesla system, but it is very vague in that it does not specify the problem. CR tested Navigate to Autopilot with confirmation and disabling warnings. The publication found this configuration prone to errors. However, the article (read in full here) does not make it known that CR actually approves autopilot navigation, but not new settings without confirmation / warning disabled.

Anyway, news has been announced around the world that Consumer reports ripped the functionality to shreds. This is not the truth.

Friend of the site, Earl Banning contacted CR Director of automatic tests Jake Fisher for some answers and it is true that CR does not like the setting no confirmation, but the Navigate Autopilot feature is satisfactory. If you change the settings to require confirmation, the system will not react in a way that you do not allow. The driver must confirm all movements if the setting is such.

Fisher seems a little appalled by the fact that the media turned his back CR article in a Tesla hit, but we got used to this anti-Tesla attitude, which does not surprise us at all.

You can see the discussion between Banning and CR Jake Fisher in the embedded tweets below.


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