United States eclipses more than 1,500 COVID-19 deaths per day – highest in six months


The United States still has a dark time in the COVID-19 pandemic this weekend.

The country has eclipsed an average of 1,500 COVID-19 deaths per day, the first time the mark has been reached in six months – since the vaccination campaign began.

However, when the 1,500 figure was last reached in March, vaccines were not as widely available as they are today.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also reports that deaths increased 131% in August from previous months.

COVID-19 cases are also 300% higher this year compared to Labor Day weekend last year – before vaccines were available.

After the pandemic appeared to be coming to an end in late spring and early summer, the virus returned after a summer flare fueled by the Delta variant.

Unvaccinated Americans across the country have been hit hard by the virus, accounting for nearly all deaths and hospitalizations from the virus in recent months.

Some counties have even had to employ mobile mortuary units to store the overwhelming amount of corpses.

More than 1,500 Americans die each day from COVID-19, the highest daily total since March.  Many deaths are concentrated in the southern United States.  Pictured: COVID-19 patient in Miami, Florida is brought in an ambulance

More than 1,500 Americans die each day from COVID-19, the highest daily total since March. Many deaths are concentrated in the southern United States. Pictured: COVID-19 patient in Miami, Florida is brought in an ambulance

Hospitalizations nationwide have also increased, with August having double the number of COVID-19 patients admitted as June.

Florida is currently the state with the most deaths from the virus.

The state records 335 deaths each day, the highest gross total of any state, and 1.56 deaths per 100,000 population, also the highest in the country.

Like Florida, many other southern states are also among the national leaders in deaths in the first week of September.

Central Florida was particularly hard hit, and 14 mobile mortuary units were deployed to the Orlando area late last month to handle the rising death toll.

Day-to-day Covid data is not available in Florida, however, after halting daily data reporting in early June.

Just north, Georgia has also deployed mobile mortuary units to deal with the increase in deaths from COVID-19.

The state averages 78 deaths per day, or 0.73 per 100,000 population, the seventh highest rate of any state at the start of the month.

In total, the Sunshine State has recorded 3.3 million cases of the virus and 46,324 deaths since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

In Georgia, 42 percent of the population is fully immunized, a figure well below the national rate of 52 percent.

Peach State also had a record number of cases last week, although the state did not report any cases over the weekend, so it is not yet known whether the totals have continued to rise.

Georgia has recorded 1.4 million cases of COVID-19 and more than 22,000 deaths since the pandemic began 17 months ago.

Mississippi, one of only four states in America with less than 40 percent of the population fully vaccinated, is also among the leading deaths.

Just over 37 Mississippians die from the virus every day, or 1.25 in 100,000 people. Both numbers only follow Florida nationwide.

Gov. Tate Reeves made some interesting comments at the end of August, saying his constituents were less afraid of death because of their religious belief that eternal life in heaven awaits them after they die on earth.

“When you believe in eternal life – when you believe that living on this earth is just an echo on the screen, then you don’t have to be so afraid of things,” Reeves said during a Fund raising.

He said God wanted people to take precautions against death, however.

More than 8,500 Mississippians have died from the virus so far, with more than 447,000 cases recorded as well.

Louisiana is the only other state to average more than one death per 100,000 population today.

Currently, just under 50 people die from the virus every day.

The state is in a particularly serious situation following the passage of Hurricane Ida at the end of August.

Many hospitals in Louisiana were already at or near capacity when Ida arrived, leaving them scrambling to treat critically ill patients as the storm touched down.

The hurricane also caused power outages statewide, reducing hospital capacity and forcing many patients to be relocated in order to continue treatment.

The lawyer reports that 200 of the nearly 15,000 hospital beds were cut due to the hurricane, exacerbating an already dire situation.

In total, the state has recorded nearly 700,000 cases of COVID-19 and more than 12,000 deaths in the past 17 months.

Other southern states such as South Carolina (0.91 deaths per 100,000 population), Texas (0.85) and Arkansas (0.84) are also the seven states with the most deaths in the country. country.

Overall, the United States has 0.47 deaths per 100,000 people.

These states also do not report daily COVID-19 data, making daily changes in the case rate unavailable.

The increase in deaths also corresponds to an increase in hospitalizations.

More than 102,000 Americans are hospitalized with the virus and 75% of the country’s hospital beds are currently in use.

Nationally, the United States has recorded more than 40 million cases of COVID-19 and 648,000 deaths from the virus, the most countries in the world in both categories.

The CDC reported a promising figure on Thursday, however, that more than 80% of Americans have some sort of protection against the virus, whether through vaccination or natural antibodies.


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