Unpublished L-Star of Apex Legend fleeing in packets of loot



These new skins are the star of the show.

By Matt Purslow

A pair of legendary skins for the unpublished weapon of the L-Star weapon from Apex Legends have been disclosed.

Shared on Twitter by user RealApexLeaksTwo off-screen photographs show the Apex Hyperdrive and Alien Invasion skins for the L-Star. Both feature bright red colors, which makes them look like gun / race car hybrids.

The tweet claims that players were receiving L-Star skins before "the servers crashed", referring to a server shutdown that was to be executed after Apex Legends encountered a progress problem caused by the update 1.1. It also assumes that player progress has been reset to clear player appearances, but Respawn developer or EA publisher has not officially announced support for this idea.

On Reddit, user Electroshreddie shared a screenshot of a Rare L-Star skin known as the Outback, which features a beige camouflage prairie style pattern.

A report on Dexerto claims that players in the Twitch Prime packs have discovered rare and legendary skins for the L-Star. The story suggests that the error may have been triggered because of the problems caused by the update 1.1.

It's been said for a long time that the L-Star would be on its way to Apex Legends, and that was not its first appearance. The remains of the weapon were discovered by fans last month.

The L-Star itself is a weapon that, like many weapons from Apex Legends, comes from Titanfall 2. In this game, it's a powerful fast-firing energy gun that detonates people in a red haze . With items such as armor, we expect it to work a little differently in Apex Legends, but that should still be something special.

Matt Purslow is the editor of News and Entertainment of IGN UK and will never stop to explain why Titanfall 2 is the best FPS of all time. You can follow him on Twitter.


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