An unvaccinated man gave measles to 39 people after a car trip while he was suffering from highly contagious respiratory virus.
The unnamed traveler raised money for a charity in Brooklyn, the ultra-orthodox Jewish community in New York.
He drove to Detroit, Michigan, unaware that he had contracted the disease, which he spread to the united religious community over the course of two weeks.
The man, now nicknamed Michigan's Patient Zero, transmitted the virus so quickly because he stayed in private homes, visited the synagogue every day and stopped at markets to raise money, according to Washington. Post.
All cases except one would have occurred in Oakland County, a suburb outside Detroit. According to the Centers for Disease Control, an unvaccinated person has a 90% chance of contracting the virus if they walk in a room with another person who has it, even two hours after leaving the affected person.
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Leigh-Anne Stafford, Oakland County Health Officer, told The Washington Post, "Each of our cases has a connection to the original case."
The traveler would have felt sick when he arrived in Detroit. He went to a doctor who had never seen measles – he misdiagnosed his fever and cough as bronchitis.
Now, his story has become a telling account of the effectiveness of the spread of the disease in nearby communities, sometimes relatively isolated.
The current epidemic in New York has since spread to other communities of ultra-Orthodox Jews in the state, as well as to counties in Michigan and Maryland. .
In many of these communities, people are averse to television and the Internet. They often use health professionals within their social group.
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Some fear that this will result in anti-vaccine misinformation gaining popularity.
Daniel Salmon, professor of international health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and director of the School's Institute for Vaccine Safety, told The Washington Post: "What's similar to all these communities, it's that they live close to a lot of their time interacting with each other.
"It's what counts. Measles does not care about your cultural heritage. "
On March 13, blood tests confirmed patient zero measles after widespread research in his community. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and the health authorities later declared a public emergency on April 9.
Steve McGraw, Oakland Emergency Medical Services Manager, recalled the moment the traveler realized what he had done inadvertently.
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"He lowered his head and was very emotional, I could tell his face was devastated," McGraw said.
"This guy was walking around the community and was contagious. We knew our exhibition was really meaningful. "
Subsequently, the doctors visited residents of community houses and began testing them for measles, with the authorities stressing the importance of vaccinations.
The Council of the Great Orthodox Rabbis issued a statement stating that, according to Jewish law, all members of the community are required to be "correctly and fully vaccinated".
"In order to protect and protect each individual from the wider community, every individual, family and institution must take the necessary precautions against anyone who chooses not to be vaccinated," he continued.
Measles is currently at its highest level in the past five years with 555 confirmed cases in 20 states.
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