Unvaccinated students are excluded from school for weeks due to the mumps outbreak in central Utah


Students who have not been vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) will not be allowed to go to school or school activities in Sanpete County for weeks due to an outbreak mumps, health authorities said Monday.

Two cases of mumps have been confirmed in the county and health officials are investigating "other probable cases," according to a press release from Utah's central public health department. .

Students who are not vaccinated have received a notification and will not be allowed to go to school before May 5 at the earliest – and only if they have no symptoms, the department said.

If new cases are confirmed, the date could still be postponed; Health officials wrote that the school exclusions remained in effect for 26 days from the beginning of the last identified case.

Students can return to school if they get the vaccine and can provide documentation.

Symptoms of mumps often include fever, headache, muscle aches and swollen salivary glands, which can cause a sore and swollen jaw. Possible complications include encephalitis, meningitis and deafness.

Health officials urge residents to check the immunization status of themselves and their families.

"A person is considered likely unless they have received two doses of the mumps vaccine or were born before 1957," health officials wrote.

If you think you have mumps, call a doctor, health officials say; Do not go directly to a clinic, but let the employees arrange your arrival to protect other patients.


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